Doctors Do the Unthinkable And Perform the first Ever Brain Surgery on Baby Still in the Womb

Adam Staten

Doctors in the United States pulled off an amazing procedure: performing brain surgery on a child still in the womb.

Medical science is a stunning field. Remarkable and talented individuals make up the field. The advancements in medicine and technology have allowed those medical professionals to push the boundary of what is possible. Those advancements allowed one little girl to receive a life-altering procedure before she even entered the world, according to Good News Network.

During a routine checkup, expectant parents Derek and Kenyatta Coleman learned something was wrong. The Colemans found out during a 30-week ultrasound that baby Denver had an issue in her brain, according to CBS News.

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The child had what is called vein of Galen malformation. It is described as a rare situation involving a blood vessel abnormality in the yet-to-be-born child’s brain. Vein of Galen malformation becomes a problem because the child’s arteries send blood that is high pressure to veins near the base of the brain. 

Children who develop this rare condition can and do often suffer heart failure or even strokes after they are born. 

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Kenyatta and Derek learned that their child’s heart was already being affected by the situation. The Colemans opted for their child to undergo the first-ever brain surgery on a child still in the womb. 

4 Weeks After The Ultrasound Doctors Operated on The Child Still In the Womb

Four weeks later, their unborn child, Denver, was operated on at a Boston-area hospital. The child’s possibly deadly condition was safely corrected by doctors who used “ultrasound guidance, a needle similar to those used for amniocentesis, and tiny coils that were placed directly into the abnormal blood vessels to stop blood flow,” according to CBS News.

Absolutely amazing! 

Weeks have passed since the procedure and the child's birth. All appears to be fine with baby Denver. 

Kenyatta is praising the Lord for performing a miracle, using those medical professionals to care for and save her child.

 “And we prayed hard for this,” she said. “You know, and there was no doubt in our minds, you know, God would perform a miracle and He did.” 

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 “Before you were formed in the body of your mother I had knowledge of you, and before your birth, I made you holy; I have given you the work of being a prophet to the nations.”  - Jeremiah 1:5

WATCH: First-Ever Brain Surgery Performed On Child Still In The Womb

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h/t: CBS NEWS, Good News Network & Boston

Featured Image Credit: Boston

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