This 4-Year-Old Is Letting Everyone Know That Heaven Is Real

Mel Johnson

4-Year-Old Boy Says He Talked To Jesus

Just 6 months after his second birthday, little Casen Broussard’s parents got the worst news they could ever imagine. Casen was diagnosed with a type of children’s cancer called neuroblastoma. It was heartbreaking to think that at such a young age, Casen’s life may be nearly over. But then the little boy talked to Jesus. And what the family didn’t yet realize was that God was about to do something amazing! [caption id="attachment_21263" width="750"] Credit: WLBT[/caption] Because of his illness, Casen would require surgery. As the day of the scheduled operation grew closer, Casen began having seemingly one sided conversations. But when his parents asked him who he was talking to, the little boy’s answer shocked his parents!
“We would ask him, ‘Case, who you taking to?’” says Linzy, Casen’s mom. “[He’d say] ‘Jesus. Talking to Jesus, Mom. Talking to Jesus Dad,’ like [he was saying] ‘really? Don’t you already know this? Can’t you see him?'”
[rsnippet id="3"] Casen’s conversations with Jesus continued. But it’s what Casen shared with his family after the surgery that had them convinced God was at work. [caption id="attachment_21264" width="750"] Credit: WLBT[/caption]
His mom says, “He said ‘I went up in the sky.’ I said ‘OK, who was there?’ He said, ‘Jesus, Father, and you know, the other one.’ He described it in detail, what it looked like and what Jesus looked like and what God looked like.”
Casen, who is now 4 years old, says that while he was in Heaven, he was given a set of wings. But Jesus told the boy it was not yet his time, so Casen says Jesus pushed him and he flew back home. After returning to him to his body, Casen says the wings flew back to Heaven, where they were “put up” until it was his time to wear them again. [caption id="attachment_21265" width="750"] Credit: WLBT[/caption]
Casen’s grandmother says, “I truly felt like he had been there and that he had experienced it, with no doubt. The things he said couldn’t have been anything that he would have heard from anybody.”
Following the surgery, Casen underwent a bone marrow transplant and extensive treatments. But Casen had the best friend you could ever have seeing him through it all -- Jesus. And the last scan Casen had was all clear. He’ll be heading to St. Jude’s Hospital soon for further evaluation, and we’ll be praying his miraculous progress will continue. [caption id="attachment_21267" width="750"] Credit: WLBT[/caption] In the meantime, the small but mighty Casen has been living out Jesus’ Great Commission, making disciples of his family. They are happily sharing Casen’s story, giving all of the glory to God. His mom says,
“It’s made our whole family closer to God. It’s made us all believe a million times more than we ever would have.”
[rsnippet id="2"] It’s amazing to see God’s power, as he took this family’s greatest struggle and used it to further His kingdom!
“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18
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For another touching story of a child's faith. read about little Julianna, a terminally ill girl who is choosing Heaven over the hospital.

  Credit: WLBT

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