Cameras Rolled As Brave Officer Waded Into a Pond to Save a Boy with Autism

Adam Staten

A couple of law enforcement officials in Florida rescued a young child with autism from a scary, life-threatening situation.

There’s a reason why police officers and firefighters are commonly referred to as “heroes” and a “city’s finest.” Those men and women regularly put their own personal safety at risk for the good of others. Police officers and firefighters run toward a dangerous and possibly deadly scene when civilians are running away from it. 

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In Florida, two deputies in central Florida put their lives on the line to save a child in a perilous situation, according to the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office. 

In mid-July, around 10:30 in the morning, two Hillsborough County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a pond following a 911 call. The department said that someone was concerned about the well-being of a child.

“A concerned citizen had called 911 regarding a young child seen running across the street and into a nearby pond,” the department said. 

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After arriving on the scene, the deputies began a frantic search for the boy. Body camera footage posted on YouTube shows the frenzied hunt for the young child. 

The department states the deputies on the scene did eventually spot the child in distress. The 4-year-old child with autism, who is also nonverbal, was found being kept afloat by cattails surrounding the edge of the pond. 

One Deputy Waded Out Into The Pond To Rescue The Young Child

In the clip, one of the deputies says, “I’m going to get soaked. I’m going to go get him.” After entering the pond, the video shows the dramatic moments when the deputies secure the child and lift him up and out of the water.

Those deputies saved that child from a potentially devastating injury and possibly worse.

Miraculously, as the department reports, the child did not suffer any life-threatening injuries. Deputies later returned the 4-year-old to his family. 

After their heroic efforts, the department’s sheriff rightfully praised his two deputies.

“I shudder to think of the outcome if not for the tenacity and efforts of these two deputies,” Sheriff Chad Chronister said.

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“Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”John 15:13

WATCH: Florida Deputies Rescue 4-Year-Old From Pond

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h/t: County Sheriff's Office & Edition

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