
This Boy Just Lost His Parents. And Yet, His Story Will Actually Have You SMILING!

August 10, 2015

This Boy Just Lost His Parents. And Yet, His Story Will Actually Have You SMILING!

The Power Of A Smile

This should be a sad story -- a 6-year-old boy loses both parents. Bot God blessed this boy with the sweetest soul, and so he’s found an incredible way to make the best of a really tough situation.

The 48-year-old mother of little Jaden Hayes, recently passed away in her sleep. The death was a complete shock to the family. And for Jaden, who’d already lost his father 2 years prior, I’m sure it was devastating.

So, it probably caught his Aunt, who now cares for the boy, by surprise when Jaden revealed his plan to her. She says she was tucking him in for bed one night when he said,

“Auntie, I’m so tired of everybody with frowny faces. We need to make people smile… Can we do that?”


His Aunt told him they could discuss it in the morning. And sure enough, at 5am, she was awoken by Jaden who was buzzing with ideas!

And so, Jaden started what he is calling the “smile experiment.” Armed with nothing but little toys to give out and his own heart melting grin, this sweet boy simply approaches strangers and asks for a smile.

And so far, his little experiment has been a huge success! His Aunt says,

“At first, he was hesitant, but once he got that first smile, he was off like a firecracker!”

Jaden documents each smile with a photograph. His goal was to get 500 smiles. And after the first two days, he was already up to 275!And while this “smile experiment” is spreading joy to others, it’s also having a profound effect on Jaden and his Aunt. She says,

“When he smiles, he has a glow. And for a young boy who’s been through so much to be able to walk up to complete strangers and give them something to make them smile, then hug them like he’s known them his whole life, that is a gift. You can see the power of the love that he feels from these people, too, who share their smiles with him.”

Can’t you just see the love of Jesus shining through this little boy? And what a blessing his smile experiment is to all of those he encounters. And by spreading joy to others, he’s starting to heal himself, as well. The sweet boy describes it beautifully, saying:

“It makes me kind of really proud. And I like it when people smile. Because when you smile, it makes me happy. It makes me happier and happier.”


You can watch this precious boy spread happiness in the below video:

"I will forget my complaint, I will change my expression, and smile" Job 9:27

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h/t: Yahoo Parenting

Featured Image Credit: Instagram


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