Baby Is Overcome With Happiness When He Hears Music For The First Time

Dustin Dedrick

There is nothing sweeter than seeing a baby do something for the first time. Now whether it is walking or that first taste of food seeing little ones experience the world is truly touching. But there is nothing more beautiful than seeing a child who has never heard, hear for the very first time. 15-month-old Owen Montoya was born deaf, but recently he had surgery to get a cochlear implant. [caption id="attachment_46226" width="750"] credit:[/caption] When doctors told Owen’s mom Janae that the implants would let little Owen hear, of course they jumped on the opportunity. Seeing the look on Owen’s face when they first turned the implants on in the doctor’s office was sweet enough. Watching him look around at his family as they talks to him is so sweet. [caption id="attachment_46225" width="750"] credit:[/caption] You can see him trying to figure out what is going on, and the joy on his face as he realizes that he can hear. Well if he thought that was great just wait until he gets to hear music for the first time. His momma used her phone and to play music directly into his implants. [caption id="attachment_46228" width="750"] credit:[/caption] So though the family couldn’t hear the music they could watch and enjoy seeing little Owen hear music for the first time. And needless to say, Owen LOVED the music. Can you imagine having never heard anything before and then all of a sudden being able to hear music? [caption id="attachment_46227" width="750"] credit:[/caption] What an incredible moment that would be! And get ready because watching Owen start dancing as he listens to music for the first time will make your day. Just look at him bobbing his head along to the beat and drumming his little hands on the table is simply wonderful! I am so glad his family is sharing this moment with the rest of us. It’s impossible to not smile watching this little man!

See this boys reaction after receiving cochlear implants!

Credit: Caters_News YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Woman Hears For The First Time And Is Surprised By Touching Proposal

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