
You Won't Believe What This 8-Year-Old Did For His Brother. To Him, He's Not Disabled, He's PERFECT!

July 23, 2014

You Won't Believe What This 8-Year-Old Did For His Brother. To Him, He's Not Disabled, He's PERFECT!

Noah Aldrich is only 8 years old, but he already knows how to love and care for others like Jesus would want.

6 years ago, his brother Lucas was born with a rare genetic condition that leaves him unable to talk, walk or feed himself. Noah thinks his brother is "perfect" just the way he is, and he doesn't want him to miss out on anything!

That's why when Noah completed a mini-triathlon in Idaho--guess who was right there with him? That's right, his brother Lucas!

Noah lovingly helped Lucas every step of the way.

Noah pushed Lucas in a jogging stroller during the 1-mile run and pulled it behind his bike for the 3-mile ride. For the 200-meter swim, Noah strapped himself to a raft with Lucas safely on board.

"They definitely have a special bond, the two of them," said their father, Brian.

"You see Lucas light up so much when Noah enters the room. It just brings a smile to your face when you see the love between the boys." -Brian Aldrich

Lucas' condition began while he was still in the womb, and is characterized later in life by seizures, greatly-reduced motor function, and a shortened lifespan.

Noah's working to make sure his brother can take advantage of every second of life, including giving him the opportunity to be actively involved in sports just like other kids his age.

"[Most of] the time when I play sports he has to just watch," Noah said. "I just want to finish with Lucas."

And finish they did! And though Noah and Lucas had smiles on their faces for hours after crossing that finish line, most adults who witnessed the loving act couldn't contain their tears.

"Tears flow," one spectator wrote on Facebook, "what LOVE!"

May God richly bless these sweet brothers who are showing the world what true love looks like, one treasured moment at a time.

1 John 3:18 Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.


credit: Huffington Post

Featured Image Credit: YouTube


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