
Parents Of Baby With Severe Cleft Palate Have Faith Restored By Kind Stranger

March 04, 2019

Parents Of Baby With Severe Cleft Palate Have Faith Restored By Kind Stranger

Sarah Heller and Chris Eidam know their little boy is perfect. But doctors suggested an aborting after finding out the boy would be born with a severe cleft palate. And since then, strangers have made rude remarks. But one kind gesture from an anonymous angel helped restore this inspiring family's faith in humanity!

Twenty-four weeks into Sarah Heller's pregnancy, doctors discovered their son, Brody, suffered from a bilateral cleft lip and palate. 

"They asked us if we wanted to keep the pregnancy," Brody's father, Chris Eidam, said.

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Thankfully, Sarah and Chris knew a facial deformity made their son's life no less valuable.

The condition meant Brody would face a series of surgeries and possibly therapy to learn to eat and talk. But his loving parents were more than willing to tackle those challenges.

[caption id="attachment_62189" align="aligncenter" width="750"]baby born with severe cleft palate act of kindness Credit: Instagram/@saheller[/caption]

Encouraging Others To Accept Differences

In addition to being born with a severe cleft palate, Brody also has a form of chromosome deletion. This very rare genetic mutation can present some special needs. There are only about 9 other known cases like Brody's in the world. 

Sarah and Chris decided to share as many photos of Brody as possible, along with as much information on his condition as possible. Their hope is to help change the perceptions out there about physical differences like cleft lips and palates. 

“It is OK to be proud of your baby no matter the circumstances," Sarah said.

Needless to say, Sarah and Chris love their sweet angel. Sarah regularly blogs about Brody's journey as a way to encourage moms in similar situations. 

The noble cause of sharing Brody's story has opened his parents up to comments from strangers. While most have responded positively, sometimes people post insensitive remarks. 

In fact, a picture of Brody's sweet smile elicited the remark, "What's wrong with his face?" from someone on Instagram. Even though Sarah and Chris knew this question would eventually come, it still caught them off-guard.

"He's three months old and being bullied?" Sarah asked.

[caption id="attachment_62190" align="aligncenter" width="750"]baby born with severe cleft palate act of kindness Credit: Instagram/@saheller[/caption]

But this just fueled the inspiring family's desire to educate others about medical conditions like Brody's.

"I decided to educate rather than create a confrontation because that is what I want Brody to do in the future," Sarah Heller said. "I will want him to educate, to be an advocate for younger cleft kids who don't have their own voice yet."

Angel's Gift For Baby Born With Severe Cleft Palate

Just a few days after the cruel comment, Sarah took Brody with her as she met up with some friends for dinner. During the meal, the server brought Sarah something that looked like a folded napkin. Sarah assumed someone had written her a note.

But a closer look showed something else entirely.

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An angel had gifted Sarah with a check for $1,000. In the memo line, this kind stranger wrote, "For the beautiful baby."

“Tears fell from my eyes immediately and the happiness my heart felt is indescribable,” Sarah said.

The money was a blessing that helped pay for some of the medical bills from Brody's surgeries. But more than that, the act of kindness reminded Sarah there is more than just bullies out there.

“The generosity of a complete stranger restored our faith in humanity,” Sara Heller explained. “Being Brody's parent has taught me that people care. Strangers all over the country want to hear his story, and they want to pray for him.”

Since that day, Sarah has continued to share Brody's day-to-day journey as "a simple reminder that every smile has a story." He's overcome so many obstacles already and is such an inspiration!

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Looking at this little boy's progress and heart-melting smile, we're so glad Brody's parents refused to abort. God clearly has big plans for this overcomer. And by using her son's journey to inspire others, Sarah is truly living out 2 Corinthians!

"He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us." 2 Corinthians 1:4 

h/t: Today

Featured Imaged Credit: Cleft Connection

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