Pregnant Woman Sees God's Blessings While Fighting COVID, Including Birth of Healthy Triplets

Alyssa Forsberg

One pregnant woman finds out that she has coronavirus right before the birth of her triplets. But she sees small blessings from God throughout the whole process and stays strong for her babies.

When Maggie Sillero first heard that she was pregnant with triplets, she was absolutely shocked.

“I really could not believe it, and I waited a while to tell our extended family the news because I knew they wouldn’t believe it either,” she shared. “Multiples don’t run on my side of the family, but twins do run on my husband’s side. One week into my pregnancy I could actually feel something was changing, and I think that I just felt everything so intensely this pregnancy because there were three. My pregnancy symptoms were tripled."

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When Maggie reached 28 weeks of her pregnancy, she was admitted to The Woman’s Hospital of Texas because her pregnancy was high risk. There she was tested for COVID-19, and her test came back positive. She couldn’t believe it because she had taken so many precautions!

"I was really shocked. My family and I had been so careful, and I hadn’t even left my house since March,” Maggie explained. “I was mostly concerned about how it might affect my babies, and I was also worried about my husband and son, Alexander. My husband got tested after my results came back and confirmed that he also had coronavirus."

Pregnant With Triplets And Diagnosed With Coronavirus

Maggie went on to share her concerns after hearing that she had coronavirus. “I already knew that my babies would arrive early, and with prematurity, there are complications. With COVID, I was worried they would face even more challenges,” she said. “I got tested 5 times for COVID in the month at the hospital, and my babies were monitored every day. Getting to see the triplets every day really reassured me and made me feel better. The doctors and nurses were so compassionate. They kept telling me it was going to be OK."

It must have meant so much to Maggie to have such kind and compassionate doctors and nurses helping her every step of the way. Her main doctor was Dr. Dolar S. Patolia.

"Fortunately, when [one of the babies] showed signs indicating need for delivery, Maggie had just received her second negative test. Maggie is amazingly strong," said Dr. Patolia said. Her doctor also said that Maggie handled her COVID diagnosis very well, even while she was isolated from her husband and son, and she remained strong through her hospital stay.

Mother Sees Blessings During Hospital Visit Before The Birth Of Her Triplets

And during Maggie’s hospital stay, she even was able to reconnect with an old friend from middle school.

"It was so special to reconnect with her and for her to be the one caring for me. I kept experiencing little blessings like this throughout my time at The Woman’s Hospital of Texas," said Maggie.

Maggie gave birth to her triplets on June 4th. Their names are Isabella, Nathaniel, and Adriel. "Each of them have almost doubled their weight in this month, which is amazing. I’m so proud of them, they are fighters," Maggie shared.

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Reflecting on this year and how everyone has had to adjust in some way, Maggie gave a piece of advice to the pregnant women out there. "The year 2020 is important for all pregnant women, having to adjust and sacrifice through these tough times is something to be proud of. Take it day by day and celebrate each accomplishment. You are not alone in this."

Thank the Lord that Maggie was able to overcome her COVID diagnosis and deliver her three beautiful baby triplets!

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h/t: Good Morning America

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