Big Daddy Weave Songs: Top 15 Hits

Big Daddy Weave is an amazing and talented group of guys. They have been recording albums since 2001 and have spawned numerous hits! One of their most recognized songs is “Redeemed”, and for good reason! It really tells the story that we all tell when we become Christians and realize what the cross is all about. Here is my selection of the top 15 hits by Big Daddy Weave! Enjoy!

Top 15 Big Daddy Weave Songs

15. Fields Of Grace

Favorite Lyric – “I love my Father, my Father loves me! I dance for my Father, my Father sings over me! And nothing can take that away from me!”

14. Audience Of One

Favorite Lyric – “To my audience of one: You are Father and You are Son. As your spirit flows free, let it find within me a heart that beats to praise you.”

13. Another Day In Paradise

This is their cover of Phil Collins’ hit. I really enjoy this version of the song, as well as Phil’s original recording. The lyrics really make you think about the homeless and their need for food, shelter and most importantly, Jesus.

Favorite Lyric – “Oh, Lord, is there nothing more anybody can do? Oh, Lord, there must be something you can say!”

12. Hold Me Jesus

Another great cover by Big Daddy Weave of Rich Mullins.

Favorite Lyric- “And I've beat my head against so many walls. I'm falling down, falling on my knees. God, please! And the Salvation Army band is playing this hymn. And Your grace rings out so deep. It makes my resistance seem so thin.”

11. What Life Would Be Like

Favorite Lyric – “All our hearts they burn within us. All our lives we've longed for more. So let us lay our lives before the one who gave His life for us!”

10. What I Was Made For

Favorite Lyric – “It took a while for me to see but when I finally saw it I knew I had to leave my sorted past in the past. I couldn’t get there on my own. It was Your grace that taught it. My sin is covered by Your blood and I’m not looking back.”

9. Every Time I Breathe

Favorite Lyric – “Every time I breathe, You seem a little bit closer. I never want to leave. I want to stay in Your warm embrace, Oh, basking in the glory shining from Your face. And every time I get another glimpse of Your heart I realize it's true: that You are so marvelous, God! And I am so in love with You!”

8. The Only Name (Yours Will Be)

Favorite Lyric – “When I wake up in the Land of Glory and with the saints, I will tell my story, there will be one Name that I proclaim.”

7. Love Come To Life

Favorite Lyric – “Bring Your love to life inside of me. Why don't You break my heart 'til it moves my hands and feet for the hopeless and the broken, for the ones that don't know that You love them? Bring Your love to life inside of me”

6. You Found Me

Favorite Lyric – “I've never known a love like this. You've captured my heart and You brought the sweetest peace to my life, brought me into the light. Now I'm all Yours, Jesus, draw me into You!”

5. If You Died Tonight

Favorite Lyric – “If you died tonight, where would you be? Where would your soul spend eternity? Jesus gave His life! If you'd just believe it changes everything if you died tonight.”

4. Stay

Favorite Lyric – “Break my heart with what breaks Yours, until You’re all I’m living for. Show me what it means not just to believe but to remain.”

3. Save My Life

Favorite Lyric – “Oh how I need You! See, here’s my broken heart. I lift it up; it’s empty of the foolish pride. I no longer try to hide. Please hear my desperate plea, come and rescue me! Cause I realize tonight, I need You to save my life!”

2. Completely Free

Favorite Lyric – “And as they placed the thorns on His brow, as they drove the nails into His hands and His feet, He looked past the moment to where we are now and gave us the victory from what seemed His defeat.”

1. Redeemed

Favorite Lyric – “Then You look at this prisoner and say to me ‘son stop fighting a fight that's already been won.’ I am redeemed, You set me free. So I'll shake off these heavy chains and wipe away every stain. Now, I'm not who I used to be. I am redeemed!”


These are my favorite 15 songs by Big Daddy Weave. What are some of your favorites? Please let us know in the comments below! God bless!

Click on the following link to see if Big Daddy Weave made our biggest countdown.  101 Best Christian Songs of All Time

Resources- ESV Holy Bible, Youtube, Photo Credit: UnlockingTheBible via Compfight cc

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