Dad Pens the Best Graduation Message & the Story Behind the Short Note Has Folks Crying

Adam Staten

One father’s touching graduation note to his child and the story behind it is likely to cause most to shed a tear or two or three.

Graduation ceremonies are special, time-honored events. They commemorate and honor years of hard work which often includes countless hours filled with meticulous and dedicated study. Graduations also often serve as a time of reflection. They can cause the student accepting the diploma or degree and those around the graduate to look back upon the preceding years and everything that took place up until that point.

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Reddit user ItsDevax posted a photo of a graduation card with a note from their father on the popular social site.

The message written inside the card reads, “So Proud of you! My partner in crime…My Little Little homme… Love you Dad.” 

In addition to the spelling errors, there are places where the father attempted to cover up mistakes in the card. But given the story behind the card, explained in the photo’s caption, those markings and errors only help make the card much more meaningful and heartfelt.

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The photo’s caption explains that the father “spent over 20 minutes writing this graduation note.” He was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2009.

Writer of Graduation Card Diagnosed With Brain Cancer in 2009, Had 3 Surgeries

The caption mentions that the writer of the card has undergone “3 brain surgeries and a lot of radiation.” As one might expect, undergoing such a devastating and difficult situation has made what may have been simple activities, once completed with relative ease, like writing, nearly impossible for the father.

“Writing is extremely difficult for him but he still managed to write this on my card. I’m keeping this forever,” the Reddit user wrote. 

What a beautiful moment between a father and his child. It may only be a card, but for everything that father, that family has gone through, it's much more. It's something and a moment that will be cherished for a long, long time.

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“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”Proverbs 22:6

My dad spent over 20 minutes writing this graduation note for me. He was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2009 and has had 3 brain surgeries and a lot of radiation. Writing is extremely difficult for him but he still managed to write this on my card. I’m keeping this forever. (OC)
by u/ItsDevax in MadeMeSmile

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