
Baby Was Thrown Into A Storm Drain But Miraculously Survived

December 14, 2016

Baby Was Thrown Into A Storm Drain But Miraculously Survived

Baby Was Thrown From The Car Into A Storm Drain

There are those who don't believe in miracles. Instead, they rely on numbers, statistics and odds. But what odds would you put towards survival after a baby was thrown from the car into a storm drain? No chance at all. Yet, eight-month-old Bryce Hale did just that. And it's clearly a miracle! [caption id="attachment_33188" align="aligncenter" width="750"]godupdates baby was thrown from the car into a storm drain and survives fb Credit: KSLA News[/caption] Baby Bryce was in her car seat, in the car with her mom, Jakesia, and her aunt, Shameerah. Jakesia's friend, Trina, was driving, and her daughter, Justice, was in the vehicle as well. They were headed down the interstate when an 18-wheeler changing lanes clipped the car, causing it to crash. The scene following the crash was chaotic. A passing car hit Trina after the deployed airbag knocked her out of the car. Miraculously, she had no serious injuries. [rsnippet id="3" name="Article-Ad"] But as Jakesia started looking for her baby, both she and her car seat were missing. Panic set in.
"I started running up and down the highway looking everywhere for her. Calling her name," Jakesia said. "I didn't hear a baby crying. No baby screaming, nothing. I panicked. I thought she was gone."
As it turns out, her baby was thrown from the car into a storm drain! RELATED: Miracle baby survives being thrown 25 feet in a horrible car crash

Miraculous Rescue Rather Than Recovery

A drainage grate sits in the middle of the interstate median -- at least 25 feet away from the wreck. Everyone was looking for the missing baby, and a Good Samaritan had already made his way down the hill. He was sorting through the hay when he thought he heard something. A layer of hay covered the grate. Responders cleared it off, and were shocked by what they found below. At the bottom of the grate, sat the calm 8-month-old!
"Up until we heard her, I was just worried about it being more of a recovery rather than a rescue," recalled Texarkana firefighter, Josh Moore. "But once we heard her, it was just a sigh of relief." 
The precious girl didn't seem fazed at all. She simply raised her arms, and waited for the first responders to free her from the storm drain. [caption id="attachment_33197" align="aligncenter" width="720"]godupdates baby was thrown from the car into a storm drain and survives 1 Credit: CBS Evening News[/caption]
"I know it was a miracle," said Bryce's mom, Jakesia. "The way they had to pull her out of the drain. They couldn't just pull her out. They had to turn her head a certain way and turn her body a certain way to get her out. She was just sitting there looking up waiting for them to come get her."
RELATED: Family speaks out after miracle baby was thrown from the car into a storm drain

Defying The Odds

Needless to say, EMT's rushed over to make sure Bryce was ok. And after flying out of the car, out of her car seat, and into a storm drain, she had nothing more than a scratch on her head!
"There had to be some kind of divine intervention for her to end up being okay the way she was," said firefighter Josh Moore.
And everyone at the scene agrees -- the odds for what happened are impossible. The only explanation for Bryce's safety is a miracle!
"I was just overwhelmed with joy," said Jakesia. "I started crying and thanking God for sparing my baby, for sparing us, for not taking my angel away from me. She is my miracle baby."
[caption id="attachment_33198" align="aligncenter" width="706"]godupdates baby was thrown from the car into a storm drain and survives 2 Credit: KSLA News[/caption] And little Bryce wasn't the only miracle that day. The other four passengers walked away without any serious injuries. Even the driver, who also flew out of the car. It's a happy ending everyone was happy to see.
"So many times we go out and things aren't okay," said an emotional Capt. Charlie Smith of the Texarkana Fire Department. "And just during the holidays here to have a positive just feels good." 
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Mystery voices led to the rescue of an 18-month girl hanging upside down in a terrible car crash.

Template_18-month-old   h/t: Christian Today

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