Their Baby’s Brain Tumor Baffled Doctors After God Sent A Miracle

Mel Johnson

For non-believers, prayer probably seems a lot like wishing on a star. But the truth is, we serve an awesome God -- a God who loves each and every one of us. He is a God who hears all of our prayers, and there is true power when we call on Him for help. Just ask the parents of the precious little Paisley Hatfield.

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Paisley was an absolute blessing to her parents, Carissa and Matt. They loved everything about her. But they couldn’t help but notice that when she cried, one eye always remained partially open. That observation led to another. When their little girl smiled, the same side of her mouth wouldn’t move.

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So the worried couple took Paisley to the doctor for a check up, which confirmed their darkest fears. The doctor found an unexplained mass near the base of their baby girl’s brain, and so a biopsy was scheduled. So, Paisley’s terrified parents called upon friends and family from across the country to serve as prayer warriors for their little girl.

And it worked! When the doctor went in to perform the biopsy, he was baffled by what they discovered.

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He’d been expecting a malignant tumor, but instead he found proof of a miracle. Carissa told WCOP,

“As soon as he came in, he sat down, he was just shaking his head. He said, 'Your prayers must have worked, because when I went in to get that biopsy, nothing was there.'"

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The tumor had completely vanished! Naturally, there were skeptics who suggested something must have been wrong with the initial scan. However, the hospital insists it was performed by one of their top radiologists and that the scan was accurate.

For the Hatfield family, they know exactly what’s behind the disappearance of their daughter’s tumor. Matt told WCOP,

“A man of God like I am, [I’m] just looking for some explanation, but it’s a true miracle, it’s a true healing.”

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Praise God! There truly is power in prayer. Put your faith and trust in Him, for our God will never let you down!

h/t: Christian Post / Independent Journal

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