Take A Break From The Coronavirus Panic With 36+ Utterly Adorable Animal Stories In The News

Mel Johnson

Take a break from all the drama and let these adorable animal stories in the news give your smile muscles a workout!

The growing threat of COVID-19 has the world gripped in fear and panic. Every day is an update on the global spread of the novel coronavirus. Death tolls, quarantines, panic buying -- the reports are overwhelming.

RELATED: 15 Animal Pictures So Cute You Won’t Know Exactly What To Feel

While we all need to take the threat seriously, we are reminded in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God doesn't want us living in fear:

"For God didn't give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control."

So rather than worrying over things we can't control, try giving your mind and heart a break from all the doom and gloom. These precious animal stories in the news should help do the trick!

36+ Cute Animal Stories In The News

You can find just about anything on the Internet. But there's a reason cute cat videos are one of the most popular "genres" in the online world. Because sometimes you just need a mental break!

And these awesome animal stories in the news should give you just the "awww" break you need from all the negativity in the world!

Animal Stories In The News -- Cute And Funny Animals

Our animals are truly a blessing from the Lord. And now, research proves it! 

Studies actually show that looking at images or videos of cute and funny animals is good for our health. Benefits include boosting productivity, lifting spirits, and even building resilience to stress.

So, here are some pretty awww-mazing cute and funny animals to get you started!

1) Talking Dog Bacon Tease Video - 1 Of The Most Famous Animal Stories In The News

This hilarious video shows a dog talking to his owner about what every pooch loves — food!

The video, titled “Ultimate Dog Tease” by Andrew Grantham, became one of the most famous animal stories in the news after becoming a viral sensation in 2011. And the clip just as funny today.

Andrew cleverly dubs over the video so that it sounds like the owner is having a true conversation with a talking dog. The dialogue goes back and forth as the owner teases his talking dog about bacon and other yummy treats dogs can’t resist. (Here's where you can read more about this talking dog bacon tease video)

WATCH: Famous Talking Dog Bacon Tease Video

2) Lazy Dog Fakes Sleep To Get Out Of Going For A Walk

Kingston is supposed to go for a daily walk. Kathryn is house-sitting for her neighbor and is supposed to make sure Kingston gets his walk.

Easy enough, right? Because dogs love going for walks, right? Wrong.

Not Kingston. And that's why he's one of our cute and funny animals. This lazy English bulldog didn't feel like getting up. So, when it came time to go for a walk, he faked sleep. And this pup was so dedicated to his performance, his Oscar award is surely on its way! (Here's where you can read more about this hilarious dog who fakes sleep.)

WATCH: Hilarious Dog Fakes Sleep To Avoid Going On A Walk

Credit: Rumble/Caters_News

3) Horse Plays Dead So No One Can Ride Him

This horse also earned him a place in the top animal stories in the news with his impeccable acting skills.

Whenever it appears like someone might start riding Jingang, he stubbornly refuses and plays dead. He collapses on the floor, spews his limbs out, and even sticks out his tongue from time to time.

"It's cute but naughty," says Jingang's owner. 

Can you believe the antics of this hilarious horse?! (Here's where you can read more about the horse who plays dead.)

WATCH: Horse Plays Dead So No One Will Ride Him

4) Enormous 26-lb Shelter Cat Mr. B - Animal Story In The News For Breaking The Internet

An enormous 26-lb shelter cat named Beejay, or Mr. B for short, needed a home. But when the shelter caring for him shared a photo of Mr. B online, this "chonk of a chonk” kitty practically broke the Internet!

RELATED: Why Do Cats Purr? 7 Surprising Ways that Cat Purrs Can Aid Healing

Whether it was his sad eyes, large size, or beautiful markings — the photos of this “jumbo-sized package of fluff & love” went crazy viral. In fact, so many people flooded Mr. B’s adoption page, it crashed the Morris Animal Refuge website.

But what's great about Mr. B's popularity is, not only did it help find him a home, but it also brought in donations and interest for the other animals at the Morris Animal Refuge. (Here's where you can read all about the 26-lb shelter cat, Mr. B)

I would crash 1000 websites to be close to this cat https://t.co/7daYFad3wv

— Kat Rosenfield (@katrosenfield) August 22, 2019

5) Baby Pygmy Goat Learns To Hop

Goats are adorable. Don't ask why. Don't try to understand it. Just accept it as an inevitable truth of the universe.

RELATED: 15 Inspirational Quotes From Goats To Brighten Your Day

And as this little pygmy goat gets his very own lesson on how to hop, it's impossible to watch without breaking out in giggles!

WATCH: Baby Pygmy Goat Learning To Hop

6) Tiny Dog Struggles To Get Big Teddy Bear In His Crate

Big things can come in little packages. And while Arvo the dachshund may be teeny in size, he's certainly big in spirit!

When Arvo's nap time rolled around, he wanted to bring his new toy Teddy Bear along with him. The only problem -- the bear was bigger than the Arvo's crate. But watching Arvo’s adorable determination will put the biggest smile on your face!

WATCH: Little Dog Fights To Get Teddy Bear Into His Crate

7) Baby Elephant Frolicks With Birds

Folks wondered why a baby elephant had wandered out of the bush. But as they continued to watch, it all became clear. 

This little guy found some new playmates in this flock of birds. And watching this elephant take the time to stop and chase the birds will make your heart so happy!

WATCH: Adorable Baby Elephant Plays With Birds

8) Cute Animal Stories In The News - Dog With A Stick

Chester, a friendly dog with a stick, loves nothing more than to play fetch. And he usually doesn't have any trouble finding people to oblige. So, when the playful pup encountered a statue in the woods, he couldn't understand why his new "friend" wouldn't play!

The cute and funny animal kept picking up the stick and tossing it at the gentleman’s feet. Chester’s tail wagged furiously as he waited expectantly for this guy to do what most other humans did.

But, of course, this statue wasn’t ever going to pick the stick up and throw it, as Chester so desperately hoped. (Here's where you can read more about this cute dog with a stick trying to play fetch)

WATCH: Dog With A Stick Begs Statue To Play Fetch

9) Cute Bulldog Wakes Up With The Smell Of A Treat

Little Ollie spends a lot of his time snoozing around the house. And it seems like nothing could wake him. But his owner knows just how to rouse this little cutie.

Ollie snoozes away on the bed as his owner comes into the bedroom with a treat in her hand. And the sleeping bulldog wakes up with a jolt as soon as the treat gets close to him. 

WATCH: Sleeping Bulldog Wakes Up Instantly When He Smells A Treat

10) Golden Retriever Puppy Tries To Catch The Windshield Wipers

As a Golden retriever puppy and his owner went for a ride in the car, it started raining. And when the owner turned on the wipers to clear off the windshield, something hilarious happened!

RELATED: Cute And Funny Animals With Their Stuffed Mini-Mes

The sweet pup instantly thought the windshield wipers were toys just for him. He stretched his little body across the dashboard of the car to try and reach the moving windshield wipers. And his head moved side to side, in time with the wipers, as he tried to snag his "prey".

This pup's determination is so adorable!

WATCH: Golden Retriever Puppy Chases The Windshield Wipers

11) A Cop And An Abandoned Kitten Make For The Cutest Pair

Crime-fighting got a whole lot cuter (and hairier!) after a mustachioed police officer with a huge heart rescued an abandoned kitten.

Cody Garrett is a police officer who shares his quirky sense of humor on social as the Donut Operator. In addition to a penchant for flashy facial hair, Cody is known to have a soft spot for fur babies.

So, when some of Cody’s fellow officers came back to the station one night with an abandoned kitten they’d found under a dumpster, the big-hearted cop didn’t hesitate to step in and help. The adorable orange fluffball, known as Squirt, became part of the family and the perfect partner for this sweet officer! (Here's where you can read the full story about this cop and abandoned kitten.)

12) Animal Stories In The News -- Puppy And Baby Cuddling At Naptime

This heartwarming video combines a baby with a puppy for ultimate cuteness!

As this precious baby laid down for a nap, her furry friend came and joined her, too. And as the two of them snuggle up for a snooze, it's almost more cuteness than one heart can handle!

WATCH: Puppy And Baby Cuddle Up For An Adorable Nap

13) Cute And Funny Animals -- Yorkie Refuses To Go Out Into Snow

Sometimes the reason animal stories in the news resonate with us is that they express our own feelings. That's part of why this cute and funny video of a Yorkie who has NO interest in stepping out into the snow is so great.

Sweet pup, Lulu, is all set to go outside. But the second her owner opens the door and reveals it has snowed, things take a turn for the hilarious.

You can practically hear Lulu say, "Nope" as she spots the snow and immediately turns and runs the other way. What an adorable representation of how I feel so often (not just with snow, but on Mondays, every time the alarm clock goes off... the list goes on!)

WATCH: Hilarious Yorkie Refuses To Go Out In Snow

14) Quokka Selfies Make For Some Unique Animal Stories In The News

Quokkas certainly make for some of the more unique animals in the news. These Australian balls of cuteness took the Internet by storm a few years back when they became a selfie sensation!

Every year, roughly 500,000 people visit Rottnest Island in Australia. Why? For a selfie with the infamous Quokka.

These cute and funny animals are illegal to touch. But they are perfectly willing to pose with human visitors for what's sure to be the selfie of your life! (Here's where you can go to learn more about the amazing quokka)

A selfie with Quokka - the happiest animal on Earth pic.twitter.com/CTZZNZyyKB

— Cute Animal Pics (@CuteAnimalsBaby) June 21, 2015

15) Animal Stories In The News -- Catdog In Real-Life

An adorable puppy from Vietnam quickly became a star on the Internet because of his uncanny resemblance to both a cat AND a dog!

According to his humans, this sweet pup named Dúi not only has loads of fans in Vietnam, but also from all around the world. His silly, playful nature makes for some pretty incredible photos that both cat and dog lovers can enjoy! (Here's where you can learn more about this adorable catdog in real-life)

[caption id="attachment_159170" width="750"] Credit: Facebook / Gấu Mèo Bắc Mỹ[/caption]

Animal Stories In The News -- Animals Who Act Like Humans

In addition to their cuteness, another big reason animals wind up in the news is when they seem to be imitating us. Animals acting like humans isn't just cute, it's hilarious! And here are some great examples of our furry friends acting like they're just one of the humans.

1) Cat 'Shops' For Food At The Grocery Store

A cat walks into a grocery store... it sounds like a setup for a joke doesn't it? But apparently, this deli clerk gets a visit from the same cat each day!

This man's furry stands on two legs at the deli counter, meowing for meat. The patient grocer takes his time, conversing with the cat and showing him different cuts of meat. The kitty answers back with meows and hits the glass with his paws. And hilariously, the whole thing looks just like an actual deli counter exchange!

WATCH: Cat Visits Deli Counter And Asks For Meat

2) Rat Showering Like A Human

Not everyone thinks rats are cute. But I think we can all agree on one thing -- seeing a rat take a shower like a human is not something you see every day.

In fact, the unbelievable sight took the internet by storm!

RELATED: 14 Precious Rat Photos That Prove God Doesn’t Make Mistakes

Apparently, someone trained their pet rat to take a shower and lather himself up with soap. He stands in the sink straight up on his hind legs, scrubbing his tiny body just like a human would. (Here's where you can read more about this showering rat)

WATCH: Rat Showers Like A Human

3) Smart Dog Rings The Doorbell

When 3-month-old Golden retriever puppy, Marshall, found himself mistakenly locked out of the house, he knew just what to do. The clever pooch stood up on his back legs and used his fluffy paw to ring the doorbell. (Here's where you can read the full story about Marshall, one smart dog in the world)

Thankfully, the family’s security cameras managed to catch the adorable moment on film!

WATCH: Smart Dog Rings Doorbell After Getting Locked Out

4) Animals Acting Like Humans -- Funny Pit Bull Laughs

Most humans enjoy a good laugh every now and then. Well, apparently, so does a funny Pit Bull named Anja!

Whenever a girl named Lu nuzzles her head into Anja's neck, the funny Pit Bull lets out a bizarre sound, just like she's laughing.

“Whenever Anja laughs like this, it brings [us] so much joy,” Aslyn McNew, Anja's owner, said. “She sounds like a gremlin to me.”

That joy extended to the whole world after a video of Anja's "laugh" went viral. (Here's where you can find the full story behind this funny pit bull)

Just try watching this video without breaking a smile!

WATCH: Funny Pit Bull 'Laughs' When Owner Tickles Her

5) Animal Stories In The News -- Horse Blows Out Birthday Candles

It was JD the horse’s birthday, and the ladies at his stable decided to throw him a little party. They sang him 'Happy Birthday' and told him to blow out the candles.

But when the birthday boy did just that, it wowed everyone!

WATCH: Horse Blows Out His Birthday Candles

6) Animals Acting Like Humans -- Dog Sings With Little Girl

Sometimes animal stories in the news can completely melt your heart. And this video showing a special friendship definitely falls into that category!

A precious video of an Alaskan Husky named Dude and his tiny human friend, Everlee, took the internet by storm. The dog is "singing" with the 2-year-old girl and it's just so sweet.

Because of her battle with epilepsy, Everlee's speech is a bit delayed, so she can be a little hard to understand. But she and Dude share a language all their own. (Here's where you can read more about this dog who is singing with his tiny pal)

And their inseparable bond had the Internet falling in love in no time!

WATCH: Viral Video Where Dog Is Singing With Little Girl


Animal Stories In The News -- Unlikely Animal Friends

Sometimes the world tells us certain things don't belong together. But the heart tells us differently. And here are a few examples of just that.

These animal stories aren't quite as dramatic as Romeo and Juliet. But the adorable cases of unlikely animal friends are sure to set your heart soaring!

1) Dog And Owl Make The Unlikeliest, Yet Sweetest, Of Pals

When Tanja Brandt, a professional animal photographer in Germany, rescued an owl, her faithful companion, Ingo, fell in love, too.

The Shepherd dog, Ingo, and rescued owl, Poldi, share a special “protector-protected” bond that’s amazing to behold. The sweet friendship breaks all the rules. And that’s what makes it so powerful!

Tanja’s photos are so heartwarming and her captions often highlight the special bond Ingo and Poldi share. (Here's where you can read all about the unlikely animal friendship between this owl and dog -- Ingo and Poldi)

WATCH: Unlikely Animal Friends, Ingo And Poldi

2) 2 Dogs + 2 Ducks = PURE JOY

Pikelet and Patty Cakes are two rescue dogs who live in Sydney, Australia where they help their humans rescue, foster and find loving, forever homes for pups in need.

But one day, the Wollongong Animal Rescue Network needed someone to help care for two little ducklings. And Pikelet and Patty Cakes were up for the challenge!

These rescue pups made their feathered siblings, named Penguin and Popinjay, feel right at home. And the unlikely foursome is beyond adorable! (Here's where you can see more of these 2 ducks and 2 dogs)

3) Animal Stories In The News -- Mama Dog Loves Her New Baby Goat

The family of Shadow, a White German Shepherd, just welcomed a sweet baby goat into the family. And it looks like their dog Shadow had taken to mothering.

Shadow LOVES her newest baby. And it's so, so precious!

WATCH: German Shepherd Mothers Baby Goat

4) Abandoned Kitten Becomes Part Of The Husky Pack

Little Rosie was found at just 3-weeks old in California — abandoned, malnourished and dying.

At first, things weren’t looking good. But then the kind human who discovered her, Thoa, took the tiny kitten home and did something out of the ordinary to try to save her. She laid the fading kitten down with Lilo – her Siberian Husky.

Lilo graciously accepted the role of surrogate mom, and from there on out, Rosie was Lilo’s girl. She went where Lilo went, did what Lilo did. And that included hanging out with the rest of the pack! (Go here to read more about the unlikely animal friendship between Rosie and Lilo)

5) Girl Asks For Puppy And Gets A Rhino Instead

Tiva grew up living on the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in northern Kenya -- a safe haven for many animals facing the threat of extinction.

Like most kids, Tiva desperately wanted a puppy. But given the exotic animals roaming about her unique home environment, a dog just wasn’t possible.

But that didn’t mean God wasn’t going to answer Tiva’s prayers for an animal companion. He just had a very different plan for doing so!

A baby rhino named Lola left to fend for herself in the wild came to live at the sanctuary. And once Lola and Tiva met, a beautiful and very unique friendship was born. (Here's where you can read the full Lola and Tiva story)

[caption id="attachment_31146" width="750"] Credit: Peter Greste/Lola And Tiva: An Unlikely Friendship[/caption]

6) Animal Stories In The News -- Opossum Joins The Family

When three baby opossums were orphaned, a special angel named Sheri Kassalias agreed to foster them.

The plan was to nurture them back to health and care for them until they were old enough to survive in the wild on their own. And for two of the opossums that worked just fine.

But one little guy, Opie, just wasn't cut out for the wild. He'd rather stay with his new human family. So, that's just what he did! (Here's where you can read the rescued opossum's full story)

7) Messi The Puma Becomes A Big Ol' House Cat

Messi the Puma was born in Russia in captivity as a small, sickly cub. He'd never make it in the wild, so he was put into a petting zoo.

But a few months later, Mariya and Aleksandr Dmitriev spotted Messi at the zoo and felt compelled to bring him home with them. Amazingly, the zoo agreed.

The married couple nursed Messi the Puma back to health and now, their unlikely animal friend lives with them in an apartment in Russia! (Here's where you can hear the full story of Messi the Puma)

WATCH: Unlikely Animal Friend -- Messi The Puma

8) Dog Hilariously Attempts To Wake A Sleeping Pig

This pair of unlikely animal friends have very different ideas on how they'd like to spend the day. The pig more than happy to spend his day napping, whereas his canine buddy thinks it's the perfect time to play.

The pig is all sprawled out on the floor, nice and comfy and sleeping. At least, until his doggy friend comes a'calling.

The dog desperately wants his piggy pal awake. So he barks, and paws, and even jumps on top of the snoozing pig!

But this little piggy isn't giving that easy. He snorts as the dog pounces and prods him but otherwise ignores the nuisance. Finally, though, the persistent dog wins out and the pig wakes up. What a hoot!

WATCH: Playful Dog Tries To Wake His Unlikely Animal Friend

Animal Stories In The News -- Animals Caught On Camera

One thing is for sure -- God blessed each animal with its very own personality. And sometimes, they can be downright sneaky.

Of course, there's one secret weapon humans have that animals in the news haven't quite figured out: security cameras. And the footage of these animals caught on camera ranges from adorable to utterly ridiculous!

1) Camera Reveals Overly Affectionate Cat's True Motives

At the start of this video, a sweet kitty adorably butters up his owner. But don't be fooled. This cunning cat has something on his mind other than how much he loves his human.

As the sweet kitty nuzzles and kisses his owner’s cheek, it’s hard not to completely melt. But then the adorable con artist starts slowly extending his paw. And when I saw what he was after, I couldn’t help but laugh! (Here's where you can read more about how this cat tries stealing a chicken leg)

WATCH: Owner Films Sneaky Cat Trying To Get To His Food

2) Security Camera Reveals True Identity Of The Cookie Caper

When Oreo cookies started disappearing, Kenny Herman and his wife thought they'd figured out the culprit. It had to be their 5-year-old daughter, Maddie, right?

The home's security cameras soon proved their theory wrong and caught the real cookie caper red-pawed! (Here's where you can read the whole story about the dog stealing cookies)

WATCH: Animals Caught On Camera -- Dog Stealing Cookies

3) Dog Caught Trying To Sneak Onto Couch

Fur-babies can be a lot like our two-legged kids. Make something off-limits and they'll stop at nothing to get to it.

Well, that was certainly the case with this naughty dog!

Lexie is not allowed to sit on the couch because of her skin allergies. But the comfy cushions look oh so tempting and Lexie cannot help herself. 

When busted by her human, Lexie has a few tricks up her sleeve. First of all, if only half of her is on the couch, that doesn't count, right? Maybe say, puppy dog eyes will change their minds? What about a little wag of her nub tail? The last line of defense -- pretend you can't hear them.

What a hilarious reaction from this silly pup!

WATCH: Naughty Dog Tries Sneaking Onto The Couch

4) Security Cam Creates Viral German Shepherd Dog Video

Well, if security cameras were supposed to be humans' secret weapon, we may just have a problem. A German Shepherd named Sasha has discovered them. But lucky for us, she had no idea what she'd found!

While away from home, a man named Joe got an alert from his security camera that had him rolling.

He'd set up the camera on the windowsill so it could monitor his front porch. But while he was out, a curious Sasha the Shepherd stumbled upon the contraption. And her look of confusion as it pans to her face is priceless! (Here's where you can read more about this funny German Shepherd dog video)

WATCH: Curious Dog Accidentally Triggers Security Camera

5) Animal Stories In The News -- Dog Interrupts Weather Segment

Weatherman Khambrel Marshall of KPRC in Houston was giving his Live report when something unexpected happened. Angel, a one-year-old poodle mix, casually strolled onto the set.

Angel was there for the next segment adoption at the Houston Humane Society. But turns out the spunky boy wanted to stretch his 15 minutes of fame out a bit longer. So, he made his way onset a bit early!

Thankfully, Khambrel is a pro and the surprise visitor didn't phase him one bit. He lovingly picked up his new furry friend and let Angel join in on the daily weather report. (Here's where you can read the full story about the dog interrupting the live weather segment)

WATCH: Dog Interrupts A Weatherman During Live TV

6) Animals Caught On Camera -- Photobombing Bird

Another meteorologist got an unexpected visitor during a broadcast. This time, Lisa Hidalgo was delivering the weather forecast when a raven suddenly flew into her frame.

RELATED: 12 Animal Photobombs To Brighten Your Day

Laughter filled the station and Lisa joined in on the fun, making the most of the photobombing bird!

WATCH: Bird Photobombs Meteorologist During Weather Report

Animal Stories In The News -- The Most Compassionate Animals

Part of what makes our fur-babies so great is the unconditional love they give us. Their faith and love in us are truly touching. Animals can have such huge hearts and show so much compassion. And that's what makes these following animal stories in the news so incredibly awww inspiring!

1) Sweet Dog Comforts Kitten During A Thunderstorm

When a nasty thunderstorm swept through LA, a man rushed home to check on his new kitten. He worried the bright flashes of lightning and deafening peals of thunder would frighten the kitty.

He was right. But what he saw when he got home was so unexpectedly heartwarming!

His roommate's dog was also home and terrified of the storm. But the brave pup had put his own fears aside and snuggled up with the terrified kitten, protecting her from the danger outside. And the sweet photos went viral in no time! (Here's where you can read more about the protective dog)

[caption id="attachment_159112" width="750"] Credit: imgur[/caption]

2) Pet Rooster Runs To Greet Girl When She Comes Home From School

Every day, Frog the rooster waits outside for the sound of the school bus. He knows his favorite human, Savannah, will be getting off the bus. And he just can't wait to see her.

The little rooster darts down the driveway as the bus pulls up. He gets there just as Savannah gets off the school bus and he doesn't waste any time going in for a big hug.

Savannah scoops him up into her arms and dotes on him as she walks to her house. And you can tell Frog the rooster is loving every second of it. He definitely qualifies as one of the most compassionate animals out there!

WATCH: Loving Pet Rooster Greets His Favorite Human

3) Most Compassionate Animals In The News -- Dog's Favorite Pillow

Ever since a sweet lady named Allie O'Cain rescued her pit bull named Draco, he's used the same red, plush pillow to fall asleep. But one day, the unthinkable happened.

Draco is normally a crazy chewer and has been relegated to rubber toys only. But Allie says this pillow is different. 

"He has been so gentle and loving with this pillow."

But one day, Draco had a pup friend named Willow visiting. Willow thought the pillow would make a great toy. But Draco knew better. However, when he went to grab it back from Willow, the dog's favorite pillow ripped.

Stuffing poured out and Draco was heartbroken. But luckily, his grandma pulled out her sewing machine and started to perform "surgery". And Draco was so worried about his favorite pillow, the pictures of him nervously watching the entire "emergency operation" had this most compassionate animal going viral! (Here's where you can see more photos and read the full story about this compassionate dog's favorite pillow)

[caption id="attachment_126178" width="750"] Credit: Facebook/Allie O'Cain[/caption]

4) Animals In The News -- Rotweiller Lifeguard

When Daddy headed into the swimming pool with his baby, the family's pet dog suddenly turned into a Rottweiler lifeguard. And it's so cute!

This Rottweiler lifeguard is definitely one of the most compassionate animals. Her overwhelming concern for her tiny human is heartwarmingly adorable.

Even though Dad was holding tightly to his baby boy in the pool, their pet dog wasn't having it. The concerned pooch kept trying to “talk some sense” into Daddy by grabbing his arm with her paw, dragging him toward the pool’s steps. (Here's where you can hear all about this Rottweiler lifeguard)

WATCH: Rottweiler Lifeguard Tries Pulling Baby Out Of Pool

Rottweiler lifeguard

5) Dog Reacts To Lion King Movie In An Unexpected Way

For anyone who has seen the Disney movie, The Lion King, it's hard to forget the heartbreaking scene of Mufasa’s death. And when the tragic moment caught the attention of a 4-month-old puppy named Luna, she proved to be one of the most compassionate animals!

Luna was wildly playing around with her toys while her humans watched The Lion King. But her behavior changed drastically when it reached the part where Simba’s father, Mufasa, loses his life saving his son.

Luna's compassionate response to this tear-jerking scene surprised her family and also turned her into a viral sensation!

WATCH: Dog Reacts To Lion King Death Scene With Empathy

There is no doubt animals are a gift from God. They bring so much joy to our lives!

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: 15 Times Dogs Recreated Photos from When They Were Puppies

We hope this collection of animal stories in the news gave you a much-needed break from all the negativity out there and brought a smile to your heart.

"A cheerful heart is a good medicine" Proverbs 17:22

LISTEN: Missing Sheepdog Returns Home with a Handwritten Note on His Collar Proclaiming Him a Hero

Mel is the senior writer for GodUpdates, finding, writing and sharing Christian, uplifting, and health-related stories from around the world. Mel has a passion for writing and graduated with a degree in English from Randolph-Macon College in Virginia. When she’s not researching and writing stories, Mel is very active in her church. You can usually find Mel playing board games with her husband and two young girls, giving someone a hug, or hunting down a good cup of coffee!

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