God Sends A Little Girl At Death's Door An Angel And A Miracle


Colleen Banton was waiting in the hospital with her 14-year-old daughter Chelsea praying for a miracle. Chelsea was born prematurely and had a battle with her health her whole life. This time Chelsea was suffering from a terrible case of pneumonia. Little did the family know, God was sending an angel!

Colleen feared that this hospital visit would be Chelsea's last since her weak body was staying alive only with the help of life support. Colleen made the heart-breaking decision to take her daughter off life support to let nature take its course.

RELATED: Heartbroken Parents Take 2-Year-Old Off Life Support But Then A Miracle Happens

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Nurses Spot An Angel On The Security Cameras

Not one hour later the nurses on Chelsea's floor were hovered around the security camera shocked by what they saw. Outside of Chelsea's door they saw an angel. They quickly grabbed Colleen who snapped this picture in amazement.

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Colleen knew this angel was here for Chelsea. But she feared the angel would take her little girl home to be with Jesus.

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As they went in to check on Chelsea she has made a miraculous recovery. The doctors and nurses were stunned.

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Not long after her brush with death Chelsea was able to go home. While everyone was shocked, Colleen knew that God had sent her daughter this angel. They had prayed for a miracle and that's exactly what they got!

WATCH: Angel Spotted On Hospital Security Cameras

"By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see." Acts 3:16

Source: Today

Featured Image Source: Youtube

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30 True Stories about Angels on Earth

This article is part of a series of articles about angels on earth. Here are links to 30 true stories about angels so you can read some of these accounts for yourself and be blessed. 

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