
A Stranger's Kindness At The Grocery Completely Turned Her Day Around

March 17, 2016

A Stranger's Kindness At The Grocery Completely Turned Her Day Around

The Difference Kindness Can Make

Amanda Sullivan is no stranger to the storms of life. After two back-to-back car accidents left her wheelchair bound and with severe brain damage, she had to dig deep to find the strength and courage to push on. This incredible young woman persevered and is now able to walk on crutches. She refuses to let her disabilities stand in her way and is an incredible athlete. [rsnippet id="3" name="Article-Ad"] [caption id="attachment_25424" align="aligncenter" width="209"]godupdates strangers kindness with smoothie at whole food 1 Credit: Facebook / Amanda Sullivan[/caption] Even so, there are still times when Amanda struggles to remain positive and upbeat in the face of the trials life brings. Finding out her mom has Stage IV pancreatic cancer is one of those struggles. But on a day that she was feeling particularly stressed and worried, God sent her a special angel to help renew her faith. Read Amanda's touching Facebook post about this encounter below. . .
"I stopped at Whole Foods on Tuesday, excited to surprise my Mom with her favorite smoothie of all: Banana! After I ordered the drink, I realized that I had made a huge mistake and had to cancel the order. The woman who took my order was very kind and didn't seem angered by my change of heart, which made me feel relieved. [caption id="attachment_25426" align="aligncenter" width="525"]godupdates strangers kindness with smoothie at whole food 2 Credit: Facebook / Amanda Sullivan[/caption] I told her that I completely forgot that my Mom is going through Chemotherapy treatments and can't drink or eat anything cold. "She has a chemo bag attached to her for the next 46 hours and is extremely sensitive to the cold right now, " I said. [caption id="attachment_25427" align="aligncenter" width="473"]godupdates strangers kindness with smoothie at whole food 3 Credit: Facebook / Amanda Sullivan[/caption] "I totally understand! I have two family members going through chemo right now, too," she replied. "Does your Mom like Almond Milk? I could easily make her a smoothie without ice and with room temperature almond milk. My god-daughter, Diamond, loved her smoothies that way," she continued. Ever since my Mom was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer in October, things have been very chaotic. It never even occurred to me that I could make my Mom's favorite drink that way, because I have been so focused on a million other things. I excitedly yelled, "Yes, please! That would be perfect!!", and introduced myself. [caption id="attachment_25432" align="aligncenter" width="391"]godupdates strangers kindness with smoothie at whole food 4 Credit: Facebook / Amanda Sullivan[/caption] My new friend told me that her name is Natasha and that she loves working at Whole Foods Market for this EXACT reason~ So, she can help others stay on top of their nutritional goals & health. Natasha proceeded to give me a long list of other natural drinks with electrolytes that will hydrate my Mom and settle her queezy tummy. [caption id="attachment_25431" align="aligncenter" width="386"]godupdates strangers kindness with smoothie at whole food 5 Credit: Facebook / Amanda Sullivan[/caption] "My god-daughter, Diamond, was diagnosed with Cancer at Stage IV. It had already spread all over her body. She passed away at only 12 years of age..." Her voice trailed off and her eyes filled with tears.  RELATED: A woman's thank you letter to the strangers at the grocery store who helped her after her father committed suicide I told Natasha that my Mom was already Stage IV, too, when her Cancer was found and that I was so sorry to hear about Diamond's passing. As she made my Mom's smoothie, Natasha and I talked about God, Angels and Love. It's hard to put into words what this random encounter did to uplift my spirits and boost my mood. I was feeling very stressed about my Mom's diagnosis when I headed into the store moments before. Natasha's vibrant smile, kind words & compassion instantly soothed my soul. [caption id="attachment_25428" align="aligncenter" width="375"]godupdates strangers kindness with smoothie at whole food 6 Credit: Facebook / Amanda Sullivan[/caption] We constantly hear about all the negative aspects of society in the news. It's easy to go about your day feeling alone and smothered in problems. And, then, you come across someone, like Natasha..., at Whole Foods in Madison, NJ and you realize that there are truly good-hearted, beautiful people who care, all around us. [caption id="attachment_25430" align="aligncenter" width="679"]godupdates strangers kindness with smoothie at whole food 7 Credit: Facebook / Amanda Sullivan[/caption] I thanked Natasha over and over again for all of her advice and encouragement before leaving with my Mom's smoothie. Natasha flashed me another huge smile and pleaded, "Wait!!!" She then ran from behind the counter and gave me a huge hug. It may seem simple. But, Natasha's actions were life-changing for me & a reminder that Angels are all around us. It only took a few minutes of conversation for her to restore my faith in humanity. Hopefully, Natasha's kindness, my Mom's strength & both of their smiles restore your faith in humanity, too." [caption id="attachment_25429" align="aligncenter" width="602"]godupdates strangers kindness with smoothie at whole food 8 Credit: Facebook / Amanda Sullivan[/caption]
What a wonderful reminder of just how much of a difference simple kindness can make. A smile, friendly conversation or a kind word may be just the medicine to another's bad day. God can use a tender heart to do amazing things!
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4
See why this man has been dubbed "Cork's nicest bus driver!" mj-godupdates-bus-driver-ties-womans-shoes-fb h/t: Little Things

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A Prayer for Transforming Worry into Trust - Your Daily Prayer - October 24

Worrying does nothing to benefit our lives in any way; it only takes away. It takes away the present moments and present joy you could experience, not to mention it takes away from a peaceful life.

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