
Man Plays Piano Vertical While Hanging Over 30 Feet in the Air and Cameras Caught It All

March 25, 2024

Man Plays Piano Vertical While Hanging Over 30 Feet in the Air and Cameras Caught It All

A daring pianist, Alain Roche, plays a piano that's vertical and suspended more than 30 feet in the air by a crane. What a performance!

Musicians and artists are always looking for ways to push themselves and their talent. They constantly seek ways to use their God-given gifts to create beautiful sounds in new and inventive methods. This is in keeping with the good Lord’s desire for us to use our talents, gifts and skills for a healthy return. What good is a gift if it’s never opened and used? 

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clip posted on YouTube shows how one man used his musical abilities to hit some actual high notes! 

Alain Roche Plays Piano Vertical

The man, Swiss pianist Alain Roche, is strapped in a chair as his fingers tickle the ivories, with them dancing back and forth on the keys. The piece he plays, according to the video, is called “Winter Solstice.” He does all this while he and the piano are dangling 33 feet in the air.

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In addition to him and the piano being suspended in the air, Alain must contend with the elements. In the clip, he mentions that depending on the weather, whether it be the rain, snow, wind or chilling temperatures, the piece changes a little bit every time.

The clip states that Alain’s insane piano performance was part of an art exhibit. His piano playing even managed to capture an audience. Several people brought lawn chairs and blankets with them as they bundled up to take in the one-of-a-kind performance. 

What an odd but interesting take on playing the piano. Most people play the large instrument while it sits on the ground. Playing the piano while it’s hanging 30 feet in the air is one way to test your skills. Those who play the piano and have a fear of heights probably would not fare too well. 

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Psalm 104:33 “I will make songs to the Lord all my life; I will make melody to my God while I have my being.”

WATCH: Alain Roche Plays Piano Vertical, Hanging Over 30 Feet In The Air

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h/t: Godtube

Featured Image Credit: Youtube/Inside Edition


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