DNA Test Reveals Centuries-Old Secret About Who Julia Roberts' Family Really Is
February 03, 2023

A DNA test reveals a centuries-old secret about who actress Julia Roberts' family really is. And the discovery came as quite a shock to the Hollywood celebrity!
We love to know where we came from. Who is in our family, and where do certain facial features or traits come from? We usually receive comments like, ‘You get that from your great-grandma.’
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When actress Julia Roberts decided to dig into her family tree, she was uprooted by an affair her great-great-grandfather had. When Julia learned the news, she was shocked. She commented, "Oh, wait — but am I not a Roberts?"
Actress Julia Roberts Finds Out Who Her Family Really Is
Julia then learned her great-great-grandfather was actually a man named Henry McDonald Mitchell Jr. It took a hot minute for Julia to process that piece of information. Can you imagine the identity you had your whole life getting turned inside out?
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She later learned her great-great-grandparents had affairs. And Julia Roberts' family secret seemed to have been buried until she looked into her DNA.
"On the one hand, I — truly — my mind is blown and it is fascinating," Julia said. "And on the other hand, there's part of me that, when I'm calmer, can still wrap my arms around the idea that my family is my family. And I do prefer the name, Roberts!"
Despite the unexpected turn of events, actress Julia Roberts was able to dig further into her ancestry. The Mitchell family could be traced back to the 1800s to a colony in Virginia. Isn’t that incredible?
I’m reminded we are human. We make mistakes that can have generational consequences.
I’m also reminded we have a heavenly father who doesn’t care who our biological father is. Because we are all adopted sons and daughters of our heavenly father. He knows the very hairs on our heads, the way we laugh, what moves our souls, and what lies within our hearts. God’s love is truly unfathomable.
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“We love because he first loved us,” 1 John 4:19.
WATCH: DNA Test Reveals Julia Roberts' Family Secret
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h/t: People
Featured Image Credit: Youtube/Ancestry
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