A Love That Lasts Longer Than A Lifetime

October 13, 2015

A Love That Lasts Longer Than A Lifetime

Sanctus Real recently released their newest album, The Best Of Sanctus Real. The meaningful lyrics of Longer than A Lifetime describe a relationship that every human heart longs for and that they, as a band, have been blessed with - a love that lasts longer than a lifetime.

One of life’s greatest gifts is relationship. One of life’s greatest challenges is relationship. The scripture offers countless passages on how to be in relationship and how to make them work. Why? I think it’s because God knew we were going to need His help.

Jacob knew he loved Rachel and wanted to marry her and spend the rest of his life with her.

“So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed to him but a few days because of the love he had for her.” Genesis 29:20

Seven years seemed but a few days to work and wait for the love of his life. Wow! The arrangement was made for Jacob to work for Laban, Rachel’s father, for seven years before he could marry her. And then in a strange twist of events, as is a common thread throughout scripture, he ended up being married to Leah, Rachel’s older sister. (Read more of the story and why Jacob worked for another seven years for Rachel in Genesis 29.) What would make Jacob want to do that? He knew it was a love that was worth the hard work. He knew that it was a love worth waiting for. He knew that it was a love that would last longer than 14 years – even longer than a lifetime.

We are CREATED for relationship.

If you’re alive, you’re in a relationship, you have been at some point in your life or you long to be. We are created for relationship. God created us to be in relationship with Him. After Adam and all the living things were created, “no suitable helper was found” for Adam. God gifted Adam with Eve. (Genesis 1-2)

Throughout history we have examples of relationships that have lasted longer than a lifetime. Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 11-25), Moses and Aaron (Exodus 4:27-31), David and Jonathan (1 Samuel 18:1), Jesus and his disciples (Matt. 4:18-22), Paul and Timothy (1 Cor. 4:17) and Ruth and Naomi (Ruth 1-4).

How a mindset of COMMITMENT will deliver a “longer than life” relationship.

Remember that Jacob worked for Laban for 14 years in order to marry Rachel? 14 years! Our culture is one of instant gratification. Forget 14 years, most of us want to bail on anything that isn’t delivery happiness within 14 days. We live in a time when we feel everything should come easy and if it’s not easy it must not be worth my time. We live in a culture where options are plentiful. A relationship where lasting love is shared takes time and effort. A relationship based on instant gratification and having options will not last. But when all parties involved have a mindset of commitment to the purpose for which they are called to, it will deliver “a longer than life” relationship.

How we can we PURSUE a “longer than a lifetime” relationship.

Some of our “longer than a lifetime” relationships come from being on our own course, running our own race and checking our side mirrors to see who is running along side us. Some of them simply appear due to a shared experience, common interest or life circumstance. Still, some relationships seem to make no sense at all but being rooted in Christ, they work out.

When Matt, Chris and I started making music together twenty years ago we honestly had no clue as to what we were about to enter into. At that first “jam session” we hardly even knew each other! However, God knew us and He knew exactly what He was going to do with us. ~Mark Graalman, Sanctus Real

How we can CULTIVATE a love that lasts longer than a lifetime.

Any relationship that will last will take effort. Selfishness comes naturally so we must purpose to put in the hard work to be the kind of friend we want to have. The ultimate example of unselfishness, of friendship is Jesus. Following His lead, following His call, that is how it will work.

When we follow God’s call on our lives, whatever that may be, we will experience not only the adventure of being right in the center of God’s will, but we will also experience relationship with others the way it was meant to be, that is, for the Glory of God. And even if it doesn’t begin this way, by the time God is finished, in those relationships you will know exactly what it means to have “a love that lasts longer than a lifetime.”  ~Mark Graalman, Sanctus Real

“Even when the lights fade out

We have a love that lasts longer than a lifetime

So here’s to the times we’ve shared

Here’s to the tears we’ve cried

Here’s to a love that lasts longer than a lifetime

Even when we say goodbye”

~Longer Than A Lifetime, Sanctus Real

Who do you have in your life that will stay when the lights fade out? What do you need to do today to pursue and cultivate a “longer than a lifetime” relationship?

Where two or more people are connected in Christ, carrying out their calling to fulfill His purpose, they will experience the blessing of being in A Love That Lasts Longer Than A Lifetime.

Get the Album here → http://smarturl.it/BestOfSanctusReal?IQid=HIF

Article by Andrea Stunz

I’m a born-and-raised Texan who enjoys any adventure that requires a passport. As a Christ-following pilgrim, I’m a lover of stories and a connoisseur of sunrises and coffee - best when served together. I listen to a wide range of musicians with Andrew Peterson, Jimmy Needham and Bethel Music being just a few of my favorites. When I’m not writing, you’ll find me in the kitchen or spending time with those I love.


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