A Firefighter's Act Of Kindness For A Struggling Family Is Truly Beautiful

Mel Johnson

A Wonderful Act Of Kindness

35-year-old Ryan McCuen's job as a firefighter sometimes requires him to save a life. But on a recent call, he not only saved a life, but his big heart compelled him to also try to change one. And this sweet angel went out of his way to bless the needy family with an incredible act of kindness! [rsnippet id="3"] [caption id="attachment_25222" width="296"] Credit: Clinton Township Fire-Rescue-EMS[/caption] As the lights went out on the ventilator that kept Christy Stone's 18-year-old son, Troy, breathing, she frantically called 911. When the Clinton Township Department of Fire-Rescue-EMS in Michigan arrived at the home, they learned Troy's ventilator wasn't working because the electricity to the house had been shut off. Christy and her husband were doing all they could to make ends meet. But with five kids, two of whom have muscular dystrophy, they'd fallen behind on bills. Short on funds, they first had to pay their rent before they could tend to any of the other past due bills, which included the electric bill. The family had paperwork from a doctor, which was sent to the electric company in ann effort to keep the power turned on, but there was some type of mistake in the paperwork and so the electricity was turned off. [caption id="attachment_25232" width="664"] Credit: WXYZ / ABC 7[/caption] For Troy, who relied on a full-time ventilator to breathe, no power meant the ventilator could not work, since the batteries only last for a very short time. But all things work together for God's good, and when Ryan learned the struggles the family was having, he stepped in to help. RELATED: A firefighter lays on the ground with an injured boy after a terrible car crash Ryan called the electric company, explained the situation and covered the Stone family's entire $1,023.75 electric bill. The customer service representative assured Ryan that restoring power to the home would be treated with the highest priority -- something that made him a true hero in the family's eyes. [caption id="attachment_25233" width="664"] Credit: WXYZ / ABC 7[/caption] The kind-hearted firefighter tried to keep his good deed anonymous, but his Fire Chief felt such a selfless act of kindness that should be publicly commended.
“This type of concern for the greater well-being of this family is where the heart of this employee lies,” Fire Chief Michael Phy told township officials. “His act, although anonymous, should not go overlooked or ignored.”
But the humble firefighter shrugs off all of the praise he's been getting since news got out about his good deed.
“This might sound corny, but we are here to help,” Ryan said. “There’s a lot of people who do good work: Firemen, cops, teachers, and they don’t get any recognition, so I wasn’t seeking any, I’m just trying to give back.”
This down-to-earth guy is no stranger to hard times. He'd actually been previously laid off by the township for two years. During that time, he spent nearly all of his life savings to set up a lawn care service, and he also got married and welcomed a baby girl. [caption id="attachment_25228" width="472"] Credit: Facebook[/caption] When the township was finally able to rehire him, Ryan was genuinely grateful.
"When he returned, he thanked me -- he knew we didn’t have the money to retain the staff at that point,” said Township Supervisor, Robert Cannon. “He has perspective.”
In addition to that perspective, Ryan has a compassionate heart and a solid upbringing. He says his parents are a huge part of his life, and he just wants to make them proud. And at the end of the day, he says it's all about doing good for others.
“I could have bought something for myself, but it wouldn’t feel as good,” he said. “I didn’t think of it as an extraordinary act -- but I hope it inspires other people to do something similar.”
But for the family he helped, the unexpected kindness was absolutely extraordinary! To show their appreciation, the Stones brought Ryan fresh baked cookies, fruit and a balloon. We pray Ryan's blessing will help get this family back on their feet, as well as inspire kindness from others. Watch the full story in the video below:
"Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys." Luke 12:33  
h/t: Huffington Post / Boredom Therapy See what happened after a kind waitress leaves a heartfelt note for these firefighters!

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