8 Disney Movies With A Powerful Message

Elise Cleary

Disney has created countless movies through the years, many of which have villains and heroes. They are continuing to create and produce movies, with at least seven coming out in 2015 and in recent years they have focused on making new versions of old films. Disney has been around for a long time and has a rich history of princesses, animation, dreams coming true and beloved children’s stories. People have questioned content in certain movies and intentions, but many Disney movies teach great lessons. Here are eight Disney movies with a powerful message.

8. Ratatouille

Remy is not your typical rat. He is passionate about becoming a chef, but his friends and family don’t support him. They are focused on survival – not fulfilling his dreams. Through a turn of events, Remy is living beneath the restaurant of the great Auguste Gusteau. He isn’t a welcome rat, but helps the chef transform the ancient recipe of ratatouille into something incredible. If you are in a seemingly impossible situation don’t give up! Look for doors to open and keep pushing on. Remy had to hide and he couldn’t depend on his family and friend, but he knew he needed to continue pursuing his dream.

7. Frozen

When you look beyond the Anna and Elsa costumes and children singing “Let It Go”, there is an important lesson in the movie Frozen. Elsa was trying to protect her sister by giving up the bond she loved. Anna loved her sister and didn’t understand the sacrifice until years later. With her power, Elsa couldn’t remain living in the castle, but found the true beauty of living in the woods. She realized that she can’t hold in the truth any longer and she had nothing to lose by being honest with herself and Anna. Being honest with yourself and those around you can be scary, but you can’t develop into who you are meant to be if you are true to yourself.

6. The Lion King

When Simba loses his father at a young age, he blames himself and runs away. He feels horrible and doesn’t think he can ever return. Eventually he learns the truth about his jealous uncle and realizes that only he can fight for the land and take the position he was born for. The Lion King has been a favorite movie since it came out in 1994. Everyone experiences difficult times in life and it’s important to face reality instead of running away. You learn the most important lessons going through the hardest times. 

5. Brave

Princess Merida would spend every day riding horses through the woods while shooting arrows, but her mother is set on pushing her to follow tradition. It’s time she become the dainty princess and get married, but she is not ready for the crown. She selfishly unleashes a curse that causes her mother to turn into a bear. Merida learns the hard way that she only has one family when she almost loses her mother for good. Her mom starts listening to what Merida wants and they compromise. It’s common for parents to want a certain destiny for their children or for them to live up to certain expectations, but a child grows up to be an individual and it’s important for parents to realize this.

4. Cool Runnings

Derice Bannock is an up and coming sprinter who can’t wait to represent Jamaica in the Olympics. He gets tripped and falls during the tryouts and loses his chance, but doesn’t give up hope. After some digging around, Derice realizes that Irving Blitzer, a bartender on the island, was a former bobsled racer until he was caught cheating. Long story short, Derice convinces Irving and finds three other men to join the team. Sanka, Junior and Yul have their own reasons of what they are running away from and, together with Derice, they overcome huge obstacles. Cool Runnings is an inspirational movie and teaches why believing in yourself is so important. You can’t let someone’s opinion set you back.

3. Eight Below

If you love animals you will absolutely find the story of Eight Below heartwarming. It’s the middle of January in Antarctica and Jerry Shepard agrees to take Dr. Davis McClaren to Mount Melbourne to look for a meteorite. He knows deep down it’s a bad idea, but continues with the mission. Shepard is worried that snowmobiles may breakdown so he and the two others with him travel by dog sled. Winter weather ends the mission abruptly and they return back to base. A bad storm causes everyone to be evacuated, but there is no room to transport the dogs. Conditions are too risky and Shepard is forced to wait to rescue the dogs for a few months. The bond between animals and humans is real and seeing Shepard fight hard and never give up is a great lesson for pet owners who are separated from their beloved furry friends.

2. Tangled

Tangled tells the story of what can go wrong when you are desperately selfish. Rapunzel is born to King Thomas and Queen Primrose and a witch named Mother Gothel casts a spell and steals their new baby. She goes into hiding and raises the girl as her own, keeping the truth to her. As long as Rapunzel sings, Mother Gothel will not age. Rapunzel is grown up and begins venturing out on her own and learns the truth. As difficult as it is, Rapunzel lets go of her past and embraces her role as the princess. We can’t control another person’s life and it will only backfire if we selfishly use the talents and abilities of others for our own gain.

1. Remember the Titans

I love the movie Remember the Titans for many reasons. In a time when segregation was still normal, T.C. Williams High School in Virginia made a historical move of integrating black and white students. The high school football team embraced this and the players stood by one another. Everyone played as one big family during football camp, but pressure and violence tried to end this when the school year started. Coach Bill Yoast stood by doing what was right. Segregation still happens, but not always based on a person’s skin color. Become inspired by Remember the Titans and don’t let social pressure keep you from treating others with love.

My favorite Disney movies have great morals and lessons that are great for any age. What are your favorite Disney movies with a powerful message?

Article by Elise Cleary

I am a Christian writer and editor that lives in northern Michigan and thoroughly enjoy music, movies, TV shows, books and other entertainment with a Christian focus. My favorite song is "Oceans" by Hillsong United because it reminds me that has big plans for me and everyone else who puts their trust in Him. There are many movies that have impacted my life, but a few include God's Not Dead, The Shunning and Letters to God. I also write for www.faithandentertainment.com and love connecting with readers, so please don't hesitate to contact me! When I'm not writing I enjoy watching movies and laughing with my busy toddler and husband. 

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