7 Ways To Make An Impact For Christ At Work

Elise Cleary

We are called to be Christians wherever we go, including when we are working. This may seem easy for some people and challenging for others. People look to pastors and missionaries for an example of how to handle different situations, but do you see the importance of making an impact for Christ while you are at work? The work you do is important and God has you right where He needs you.

Here are seven ways to make an impact for Christ at work.

Treat Others Respectfully

Work can be a tricky place to show that you are a Christian especially if there are no other believers in your work place. Stressful situations arise in every workplace and this can bring out interesting sides of yourself and coworkers. It’s important to commit to treating others respectfully and finding ways to show appreciation, even through the stress. Greet everyone with a smile and look at them in the eyes. Take time to listen to them when they share stresses at work. The people you work with spend more time with you than everyone else and you can make an impact and let them know that someone cares.   

Work with Ethics

Your Christian values can come through in how hard you work. This does not mean living in the office and giving up your other responsibilities. Spending your time working with integrity, such as not cutting corners, takes dedication. Team members on a project may look down on you, but set an example of doing what you know is right. Christ set an example of doing what was right all the time and there will be challenges.

Listen to Christian Music

Do you like working with music on in the background? Offices and work environments have different rules on what music can be played, but listen to Christian music if it’s possible. Respectful environments will take into consideration everyone’s music preferences. Messages in Christian music are meaningful and can encourage and uplift, especially when a coworker is going through a trial in life. This could open the door for a co-worker to talk to you about a personal difficulty and offer an opportunity to show Christ’s love.

Focus on Forming Relationships

There are many different types of people you may come into contact with at work, whether coworkers or customers. Each person is unique in their choices, reactions and how they interact. Focus on developing relationships with others, such as suggesting going out to lunch or taking a walk to get coffee. These things may seem small, but spending time in relaxed situations allows you to see a different side of the intense sales person or project manager with impossible deadlines.

Ask a Coworker If you Can Pray for Them

Have you noticed a co-worker looking down or have they mentioned something happening in their personal life? Ask if you can pray for them. This may seem strange, but if you never ask you will never know if they are open to being prayed for. Many people who are normally closed off to opening up will surprise you when they are going through a crisis.

Be Honest and Transparent

Are you totally honest and transparent with your coworkers? This can be hard if you feel they are judging you, but it is the only way to break down walls and bridge connections. You do need to choose who you share certain pieces of personal information with, but be transparent when you can. Many business men and women play the game of putting on a poker face and not showing emotions, but this creates walls that challenge how well you can truly work together. 

Be Adaptable

Life is about adapting to change, so it is important to approach change with an open mind and seeing the greater reason for what is happening, especially at work. Take change positively and use it as an opportunity to show a Christian attitude toward changes. It’s easy to be adaptable when you receive a promotion and pay raise, but a bad reaction can be right around the corner when you are asked to work late. Be honest about your limitations, but don’t carry a grumbling and complaining attitude.

Pray for God to help you make an impact at work. This is possible regardless of the situation you may be going through. Praise God when you get the raise or promotion and go to Him when you are facing how to connect with a coworker or adapt to a new change.

Article by Elise Cleary

I am a Christian writer and editor that lives in northern Michigan and thoroughly enjoy music, movies, TV shows, books and other entertainment with a Christian focus. My favorite song is "Oceans" by Hillsong United because it reminds me that has big plans for me and everyone else who puts their trust in Him. There are many movies that have impacted my life, but a few include God's Not Dead, The Shunning and Letters to God. I also write for www.faithandentertainment.com and love connecting with readers, so please don't hesitate to contact me! When I'm not writing I enjoy watching movies and laughing with my busy toddler and husband. 

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