
7 Ways You May Be Distancing God (And 5 Verses To Close The Gap)

September 26, 2016

7 Ways You May Be Distancing God (And 5 Verses To Close The Gap)

Are You Distancing God?

All too often we let fear separate us from God. That fear can take on many different forms, but all with the same result -- isolation from our Heavenly Father. Here are 7 ways you may be distancing yourself from God, along with 5 Bible verses to get you back on track! [caption id="attachment_31460" align="aligncenter" width="750"]godupdates 7 ways you are distancing God fb Credit: ThinkStock[/caption]

7 Ways You Distance God

By Kelly Balarie Uber scares me. I rode on it one time and I convinced myself I was about to be trafficked and brought to South America on first sight of the car. I was wrong. He was nice; I got where I needed to go. The next time, things took a different turn. It was desolate and dark. I stood on the curb heart beating out of my chest, pondering whether to hide behind the nearby bush. I'd watch UBER wait for me, then see him drive away. Perfect! I could go inside to safety. I didn’t.  I am glad, boy, am I glad, I didn't. “I am a Pre-K teacher,” the driver said, “You know, kids say all types of things.” I nodded and continued, “One kid said to his misbehavin’ friends, ‘Aww…you’re in trouble…I am going to tell Jesus on you.’” Little did she know - I know that kid. [rsnippet id="3" name="Article-Ad"] He lives in me. He talks the same: “You’re being insecure. I’m telling Jesus on you…” “You’re not spending enough time with God. I’m telling Jesus on you…” “You’re not acting nice to the family. I’m telling Jesus on you…”

When we believe Jesus is out to get us, we have a hard time believing Jesus is out to love us. 

“…You are trouble in Jesus now! He’ll never bless you, help you, want you, lead you or provide for you now, you little delinquent.” God more resembles a punisher than a lover. RELATED: A reminder that sometimes failure precedes blessings Does Jesus ever feel more like a high school principal than the Prince of Peace? People avoid principals! They take the opposite route, to avoid them. They fear his office. They know retaliation is prevalent. They fear him in a way where they forgo wanting to be near him. They keep safe distance. I do. I don't want to get hurt, shunned. Is this you?

7 Ways To Tell If You’re Distancing Yourself From God:

1. You fear God's mean face before you think of his abounding grace. 2. You fear admitting wrong because you believe God's compassion can't be that strong. 3. You feel if you accept God's good gifts, you will owe him something. 4. You think you are unworthy of forgiveness. 5. You are certain who you are and how you act, disqualifies you. 6. You work really hard to be loved. 7. You feel great when you’re great and a heathen when you're horrible.   RELATED: 9 reminders that God fights for us  

5 Truths That Move God From Authoritarian To Author Of Peace

  1. Remember, for children of God, God’s grace more than meets the strength of mess-ups. There's no ounce that can stand under the power of the cross. "Where sin increased, grace increased all the more." (Ro. 5:20)
  2. God's love requires nothing from you, but gives everything to you. When you receive and then receive some more, suddenly you start to believe God is good, truly good. "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed." (1 Peter 2:24)
  3. Meditate on the idea... If Jesus died for us while man treated him like the scum of the earth, if he received whips and lashes on the account of our sin, if he died a slow an agonizing death and won – won’t he continue to forgive you today? God demonstrates…love…: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Ro. 5:8)
  4. Say, “I am sorry. Forgive me God." It will restore you every time. The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. (Ps. 103:8)
  5. Believe this: God isn't a rule-master, but a Master who knows his love, law and liberty will set us free. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Mt. 11:30)
There is no punisher hoping to hurt you. The complete sum of Love pursues you. Will you let him in? [caption id="attachment_31462" align="aligncenter" width="400"]godupdates-7-ways-you-are-distancing-god-1 Credit: Kelly Balarie / purposefulfaith.com[/caption] God doesn't love you dependent on good actions. He doesn't disqualify you based on your wrongs. He won't outcast you because you look different. He sees past your personal convictions of guilty. He released you 2000 years ago - when Jesus paid for it all. Not-guilty. Loved. Done. & Done. Get all Purposeful Faith blog posts by email - click here.   Kelly Balarie, often called a “Cheerleader of Faith”, encourages other to live with passion and purpose. While Kelly has suffere d through various mental, physical and financial trials, she has found God’s unique plan in these dark places. Join Kelly on her blog, Purposeful Faith, on Twitter and on Facebook. [rsnippet id="2" name="ArticleAd-300x250-3"]

Here's a prayer for a new day!

A Prayer for a New Day GodUpdates   Credit: Crosswalk

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