7 Awesome Christian Songs For A Baby Shower

May 31, 2016

7 Awesome Christian Songs For A Baby Shower

Here are seven great Christian songs for a baby shower.

The One Who Loves You The Most by Brett Dennen

This song points back to the mother and rightly so, for what greater love, next to God’s love for us and for His Son, is like that of a mother?  A mother’s love will never die for their child, like the mother who after 38 years of her son being in prison, never gave up on him, like God never gives up on us.   The lyrics seem to comfort the unborn child by their mother promising them that, “When the sky is falling from above you. And the wind is raging from the coast. And you want someone who truly loves you.  I will be the one who loves you the most.”  Even though it doesn’t reference God, Christians understand that children are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3). The only problem that I see is in the title because there is someone who loves that child the most and we know that it’s God.

Over the Rainbow and What a Wonderful Life by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole

This song is very uplifting and when you ponder singing this to the child someday, you just might need a tissue or two.  It is soft and gentle, like a spring rain that methodically basks the child, even in the womb, to the sound of joy and a celebration of life itself.  There is clear evidence that the unborn child reacts to the sounds around it.  By the time the child is born, the baby easily recognizes its mother’s voice so at a baby shower in the shower, this song is a joy to hear.

Home by Phillip Phillips

This touch focuses on home and that it’s not building material that makes a home but a family and when Phillips says that trouble will drag you down but you know you’re not alone, there’s always a place called home.  Hope for the family is found in more than just the family but in Christ alone Who is the only way to the Father (John 6:44) and home to the coming kingdom, only through Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). 

A Mother’s Prayer (Hannah’s Prayer) by Rachel Aldous

This is such a precious song that promises care for the coming child and includes a prayer directly related to the blessing of the child, still yet in the womb, but still a precious, human life.  The lyrics are biblical, referring to Psalm 139:16 which says, “Your eyes saw my unformed substance…when as yet there was none of them” showing the same perspective on life that God has.  It is more a prayer than a song; much like Hannah’s prayer for God to open her womb, which God did.

Lullaby: The Moment I Saw You by Nicolette Larson and Graham Nash

When Nicolette Larson and Graham Nash wrote the lyrics of this song, they envisioned singing to his own children, of which he was a highly devoted father.  The song sounds like a children’s lullaby to begin with and in ending but the lyrics focus on the precious sight of the child.

The Hand of God by Elizabeth Rhyno

Clearly, this is Christian in content and biblically sound. It gives God praise for being the Author of Life (Acts 3:15) and all life comes from the hand of God and children are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3) as they sing the baby is a hope of expectation, a joy of realization, and a plan from God for His good pleasure and ours. 

Miracle by Celine Deon

The beautiful voice of Celine Deon is angelic enough but she sings that they’re “the nearest thing to heaven, you’re my angel from above. Only God creates such perfect love” and even though it has a hint of romance, it is purely an acknowledgement about the unconditional love where “there is nothing you could ever do to make me stop loving you” and as an expectant mother would sing, “every breath I take is always for your sake” which is reminiscent of the love of God, expressed so vividly when Jesus said, “I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father” (John 10:18).  To a lesser extent, but by no means much different, the mother lays down her life for that of the child in the sense of giving up what she wants, giving up rest she needs, and putting aside her own interests for that of her child.


When you hear that a baby shower’s coming up, why not suggest some of these songs and whether it’s a Christian baby shower or one where some are Christian and others are not, these songs should at least make everyone think about a loving God Who Himself is the Author of Life and Who desires that all come to Him for eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Article by Pastor Jack Wellman


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