
Here Are Some Simple Things YOU Can Do For Your Marriage. These 6 Prayers Are POWERFUL!

May 13, 2015

Here Are Some Simple Things YOU Can Do For Your Marriage. These 6 Prayers Are POWERFUL!

Power Prayers For Couples

Praying with and for our spouses is not only what God calls us to do BUT really strengthens our marriages to stand the test of time. I encourage you all, young and old, to pray together. If you're new at it, no worries. As Nike says, "Just Do It!"

These prayers were written by Pastor Jack Wellman from Mulvane, Kansas. Pastor Wellman describes himself as a "sinner saved by grace." Thank you, Pastor Wellman for your words of wisdom.

Prayer for Unity in the Spirit

God, my Father, I know that my beloved is so different from me and I am supposed to learn how to dwell with my spouse in the unity of the Spirit, and I need Your Spirit to help me know how we can both be of one mind and to grow together in Christ. This is not possible without Your Spirit, God, so help me in ways that are reflective of the similar relationship that the church has with the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ, in Whose righteous name I pray.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Great heavenly Father, just as our children are a gift from You, so too is my precious spouse. You have been so good to me, for he/she is such a blessing to me and more than I truly deserve, so I praise You for him/her and thank You for this blessed spouse that You sovereignly directed to me. My life is so much richer for him/her, and I thank You, Lord, for this blessing. In the precious name of Christ I pray.

Prayer of Servanthood

God my Father, I need to be a servant of my husband/wife. Help me to have the mind of Christ, to humble myself and not think more highly of myself than I should, to esteem him/her above myself, and to put his/her interests above my own. You sent Your Son to come to die for me, so I should be willing to die to myself daily in order to bring glory to You in my marriage, and in the Great Son of God’s name, Jesus Christ, I pray.

Prayer of Protection

Righteous God, please be with my spouse today and protect him/her from the evil one and the wickedness that is found everywhere in this world. Keep their mind stayed on You, Lord. Deliver them from or protect them from temptations that are all around us both in this world so that he/she might not sin, and to Your Son’s glory, in His name I pray.

Prayer of Restoration

Father God, we often have problems in our marriage, and I need Your help in showing me how to humble myself so that we can confess our sins to one another and to also admit our mistakes and apologize. Sometimes my words are carelessly spoken to his/her heart, and I am so sorry, but I need to tell them as well. I know that we often hurt those we love the most, and where there is great love there is often great pain, so please help restore or repair any damage that I have done in this relationship. Show me by Your Spirit where I need to confess, apologize, and make things right, and in the name above all names, Jesus Christ, I pray.

Prayer of Love

Great God in heaven, I pray for you to help me rekindle that love that I had when I first met my husband/wife and to remind me of what I first saw in him/her so that the romance would be restored because we sometimes get into such a routine in our lives that we often forget what first brought us together. Please help us to remember those earlier times that made us fall in love with each other in the first place, and in Christ’s precious name I pray.


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HT FaithInTheNews

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