5 Must Hear Songs From Big Daddy Weave's Beautiful Offering

Elise Cleary

Big Daddy Weave has released an incredible list of songs that have uplifted and encouraged so many people. After talking with lead singer Mike Weaver recently, it’s clear that they believe that God will use each song to further His work. This shows incredible faith in how God is leading them and using them as instruments for something much bigger. Big Daddy Weave just released their newest album Beautiful Offering and it’s an album you will want to add to your collection. It includes 15 songs that offer praise and worship to God, including the song “My Story”, which has become an instant favorite.

Here are five must hear songs from Big Daddy Weave’s album Beautiful Offering:

5. “I Will Go”

“I Will Go” is a phrase I read in the Bible and it’s easy to say, but it’s challenging to do when God has deemed your time has come to go. This song is a proclamation of going wherever God will lead and embracing His journey for your life. Being a Christian means you have given your heart to Christ and have opened yourself to going where He is leading. This can be easy when He’s leading you to a fun town you have dreamed about living in or your first-choice job. It becomes much harder when the door opens for what seems like your third or fourth choice. You’ve weighed the options and you don’t really want to go and it doesn’t even make logical sense to walk through the door, but you go anyway. “I Will Go” means you recognize your life is not all about you – it’s about serving those around you. My favorite lyrics are, “When you call my name | There’s only one reply | No I won’t wait I’ll give you my whole life | I will go | Where You send me | To the ends of the earth | Just say the word and I’ll go | I will go where you lead me | I’ll follow your heart wherever you are I’ll go.”

4. “Lion And The Lamb”

Do you love Jesus so much that you just can’t help it? You can’t help but loving on others and sharing your testimony. Truly living in Christ gives you freedom and power over what used to hold you captive. Christ loved you before you even knew Him and I can only imagine how happy and touched He becomes when you show glimpses of His love to others. Allowing Christ to come into your heart causes you to overflow and you can’t help but embrace this love. My favorite lyrics are, “Our God is the Lion | The Lion of Judah | He's roaring with power and fighting our battles | And every knee will bow before You | Our God is the Lamb, the Lamb that was slain | For the sin of the world | His blood breaks the chains | And every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb | Oh every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb.”

3. “I Belong to God”

Who do you belong to? Have you thought about this recently? Do you embrace drama, lies and people who you know are making poor life decisions? Big Daddy Weave challenges this and compares it to the love of Christ. The things and people you surround yourself with will eventually influence you. Do they encourage you to draw closer to God or closer to things? It can be hard to see at first, but God will open your eyes when you give Him the time to search your heart. My favorite lyrics are, “We have been marked | Marked by grace | We have been called by name | Here we are now | Children of the mighty God | The mighty God | I belong to God | I belong to Jesus | Saved by your power | Bought with your blood | I say to the darkness you do not own me anymore | I belong to God | I belong to God.”

2. “Beautiful Offering”

This song invites God to come join us. Have you thought about inviting God to join you where you are, especially where you are right now? It’s easy to thing about this during church on Sunday, but what about the rest of the week? What about when you are getting up in the morning or sitting at your desk at work? God will meet you wherever you are and is happy when you recognize the importance of inviting Him into your life. My favorite lyrics are, “Through all these years | I give it all to you | Take this broken life I bring | Make it a beautiful offering | All I am laid at your feet.”

1. “My Story”

The single “My Story” was released in August and it immediately became a song that I could relate to. What do you say to people when you share the biggest moments of your life’s story? This is what Big Daddy Weave tried to tackle and they did a beautiful job. When you really try to put to words the ways God has redeemed you, it all goes back to God’s love. He moves because He loves us. My favorite lyrics are, “If I told you my story | You would hear Hope that wouldn't let go | And if I told you my story | You would hear Love that never gave up |And if I told you my story | You would hear Life, but it wasn't mine.”

All of these songs are on Big Daddy Weave’s new album Beautiful Offering. Purchase it today on iTunes and visit www.BigDaddyWeave.com to share your story if any of these songs has captivated a part of your spiritual journey.

Article by Elise Cleary

I'm a Christian writer and editor residing in northern Michigan and thoroughly enjoy Christian centered music, movies, TV shows and books. A favorite song is "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)" by Hillsong United and I find many songs by Matt Maher, Tim Timmons, Third Day, Laura Story, Jeremy Camp and numerous other artists uplifting. A few of my favorite Christian movies include God's Not Dead, The Shunning, Do You Believe and many by the Kendrick brothers. When I'm not writing, I enjoy running, experimenting in the kitchen and spending time with my musically gifted husband and spunky daughter. I am so blessed and in awe of the work God is doing throughout the Christian entertainment industry.

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