5 Christy Nockels Songs That Reveal Who Christ Is

April 29, 2015

5 Christy Nockels Songs That Reveal Who Christ Is

Christy Nockels has released a brand new worship album called 'Let It Be Jesus' (Live). All eleven songs are worship focused and highlight many truths about who Christ is. If you grew up going to church you most likely memorized Bible verses – I certainly did because my reward was chocolate. We have a much greater reward for meditating the words of Christ as we grow older. It’s how we learn and remind ourselves of who He is. He’s our comforter when we are desperate. He’s always there when we feel lonely. He loved us before we knew Him, so much so that He died to save us.

Christy Nockels has been active on the Christian worship music scene since 1995 when she became a worship leader in church with her husband. Their first album, Holy Roar, was released in 1996 under the name Sons & Daughters. She has performed at many Passion Conferences, was part of the Christian band Watermark with husband Nathan Nockels and continues to write and sing new worship music.

Here are five truths about Christ that are identified in Christy’s new album Let It Be Jesus.

1.  Jesus, The Living God

"Let It Be Jesus" from the Album 'Let It Be Jesus'

This song reflects on the life you gain when you choose Christ. Christy references Philippians 1:21 “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (ESV) and incorporates some of this verse into the lyrics. We need Jesus the most through every stage in life – from beginning to end.

Favorite Lyrics

Let it be Jesus
From the rising of the sun
Let it be Jesus
When all is said and done
I'll never need another, Jesus there's no other

For me, to live is Christ
For me, to live is Christ
God I breathe Your name above everything

2. Jesus, The Anchor

“My Anchor" from the Album 'Let It Be Jesus'

“My Anchor” is a brand new worship song from Christy and shares so many truths about who Christ is. He is the Lord almighty, His love is unfailing and we are always safe. Christ is our anchor and our deliverer. Simple things can throw us off course in life, but we are secure and safe in Christ. This song goes perfectly with Hebrews 6:19 “We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain.” (ESV)

Favorite Lyrics

My anchor forever

My shelter within the storm

You’re my deliverer, you never falter

‘Cause You’re the rock I stand on

I hold on to You

And You hold on to me

I hold on to You

And You hold on to me

3. Jesus, The Provider

“Everything Is Mine In You" from the Album 'Let It Be Jesus'

Jesus knows all of our needs and exactly how to fulfill them before we do. Just as children depend on their parents to provide, we can rest assured that Christ will never let us down. The verse 2 Corinthians 1:20 says, “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for His glory.” (ESV) The song “Everything Is Mine In You” also reflects the message of 2 Peter 1:3 “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.” (ESV)

Favorite Lyrics

Everything is mine in You

Even when my heart is breaking

Everything is mine in You

Even when my hands are empty

Everything is mine in You

Oh, in You

Everything is mine in you

I can trust you with my longing

Everything is mine in you

Even when the road is lonely

Everything is mine in You

Oh, in You Lord

4.  Jesus, The Redeemer

“The Wondrous Cross" from the Album 'Let It Be Jesus'

The power of Christ’s death was not found in the cross alone. Christ contained the power and chose to sacrifice himself for us. Others had died on a cross, but not in the same manner. Acts 5:30 says, “The God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom you killed by hanging him on a tree.” (ESV)

Favorite Lyrics

Oh, the wondrous cross

Where the Prince of Glory died

Oh, the glorious cross

Where your mercy bled for us

You overcame the grave

Waking to a world You saved

Oh, the wondrous cross

5.  Jesus, The Way, The Truth, & The Life 

 “Who Can Compare" from the album 'Let It Be Jesus'

As stated in John 14:6 “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me,” this song reflects on the message that we can only be saved by having a relationship with Christ. He died for us long before we were born and conquered more than we will be called to endure.

Favorite Lyrics

You take my hand

You guide me on

You show me the way to life

You lift my hand

You give me hope

You show me the way to life

No one compares to you, my King

No one compares to you, my Lord

No one compares to you, my Friend

I looked and I found that you’re the one

I needed all along

I like many different genres of Christian music, from contemporary Christian, rap and hip hop, to country and rock. There is something about worship music that connects me very closely with God. These worship songs by Christy Nockels are a reminder of who Christ is and what we can embrace as Christians. Purchase her new album 'Let It Be Jesus' (Live) on iTunes.

Article by Elise Cleary

I am a Christian writer and editor that lives in northern Michigan and thoroughly enjoy music, movies, TV shows, books and other entertainment with a Christian focus. My favorite song is "Oceans" by Hillsong United because it reminds me that has big plans for me and everyone else who puts their trust in Him. There are many movies that have impacted my life, but a few include God's Not Dead, The Shunning and Letters to God. When I'm not writing I enjoy watching movies and laughing with my busy toddler and husband. 


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