Enormous 26-lb Shelter Cat Mr. B Went Viral & This 'Chonk' Broke The Internet Looking For A Home

Mel Johnson

An enormous 26-lb shelter cat named Beejay, or Mr. B for short, needed a home. But Morris Animal Refuge of Philadelphia certainly wasn't expecting the tidal wave of responses they got. In this heartwarming short story, the "chonk of a chonk" kitty practically broke the Internet!

When a family in Pennsylvania could no longer care for their large feline friend, Beejay, they took him to Morris Animal Refuge. The kind folks there wasted no time in trying to find the 26-lb shelter cat a home.

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Shelter worker Lacy Curtis hefted the "big-boned" lovebug into her arms and made a plea for "big boi Mr. B" on social media. It's become a popular way for animal shelters to drum up adoption interest. But surely no one at Morris Animal Refuge expected the response they got!

OMG, big boi Mr. B is a CHONK. He’s a chonk of a chonk. He redefines the term. Can you guess how much he weighs? More importantly, can you give him a home? Adopt this jumbo-sized package of fluff & love: https://t.co/v8aB6PzBbL. Please RT to help this sad-eyed guy find happiness! pic.twitter.com/tquRuvRaws

— Morris Animal Refuge (@MorrisAnimal) August 22, 2019

The 26-lb Shelter Cat Who Broke The Internet

In no time, this "chonk of a chonk" was an Internet star. Whether it was his sad eyes, large size, or beautiful markings -- the photos of this "jumbo-sized package of fluff & love" went crazy viral!

In fact, so many people flooded Mr. B's adoption page, it crashed the Morris Animal Refuge website!

Mr. B. apologizes for crashing our website. We have our team working to get it back up as we speak. Unfortunately, they’re all cats, so it may take a little while. In the meantime, you can see him & other awesome adoptables on our @petfinder page: https://t.co/9CnmAUYnSa. Thanks! pic.twitter.com/GLXkrDtRmy

— Morris Animal Refuge (@MorrisAnimal) August 22, 2019

The shelter has described Mr. B as a big cat with a big heart.

“What we’ve seen of his personality so far, he seems very quiet and laid back and sweet,” the shelter social coordinator Dan Solomon said.

Before Mr. B can go home with anyone, the 26-lb shelter cat will need a few more check-ups from doctors. And of course, the shelter will probably need time to go through the thousands upon thousands of adoption requests they've received!

Internet Sensation Inspires Hope For Other Animals

In addition to brightening everyone's day, Beejay's uplifting story has also brought in donations and interest for the other animals at the Morris Animal Refuge.

Good Samaritans who were drawn to the post about the 26-lb shelter cat also started sharing links to other available animals. Those that had been at the shelter without a home much longer than Mr. B.

Everyone who loved Mr. B's photo and the chance to adopt, please take a look at Pandora who has been at the shelter 226 days....she's a beautiful patchwork. Many need adoption. This refuge is outside Philly. https://t.co/yOJDmVLbGu

— Spunky🐱 (@SpunkybyChance) August 23, 2019

Only one person can take Mr. B home. But we pray loads of other worthy pets find their forever homes, too, thanks to all the attention from the cat who broke the internet!

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And if the photos of the 26-lb shelter cat weren't enough to bring a smile to your face, check out some of the hilarious comments from the chonk's post!

Funny Responses Online To Enormous Cat

Are we sure it's a cat? And not like... Several normal sized cats in a larger cat costume? https://t.co/Na31PzqTik

— Will (@Popher) August 23, 2019

I would crash 1000 websites to be close to this cat https://t.co/7daYFad3wv

— Kat Rosenfield (@katrosenfield) August 22, 2019

Are we sure that the chonk cat from @MorrisAnimal isn't actually Tommy Lee Jones? pic.twitter.com/z2APY30377

— R. Eric Thomas (@oureric) August 22, 2019

To whoever adopts him, cats love playing and hiding in boxes. You’re gonna need a refrigerator box for him to play in!

— stevie b (@steveb1124) August 23, 2019

I don't know why, but I can imagine him being unaware of his size but super nice. Like he accidentally trips over a China cabinet and he's all "Oops I'm so sorry. I'm going to fix it. Wait let me get some sticky stuff. Oh this is ketchup. Sorry, I stepped on it. Wanna snuggle?"

— Valerie Cardona (@Bleulockemoer16) August 22, 2019

Um, if he doesn't get adopted (highly unlikely) he's welcome to join our K9 Unit as its first Feline (he IS a cat, right?!) member

— Philadelphia Police (@PhillyPolice) August 22, 2019

h/t: Huffington Post

Featured Image: Twitter/Morris Animal Refuge

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