
25 Top John MacArthur Quotes

February 27, 2013

25 Top John MacArthur Quotes

John MacArthur is a well-known preacher and evangelist.  He has written over 75 books in his career, including: The MacArthur Study Bible, Twelve Ordinary Men and The Murder of Jesus.  John is a straight-forward, tell you how it is type of a preacher and he has a great deal of knowledge about the Bible and its precepts.  Here are 25 of the best quotes from John MacArthur.  These are in no particular order.  One quick side note is that anywhere you see a book of the Bible in this list is a commentary that he wrote about those books in the Bible.

1.  “Righteous wrath is no less noble than love, since both coexist in God.” (The Book on Leadership)

2.   “The source of most of the problems people have in their Christian lives relates to two things: either they are not worshiping six days a week with their life, or they are not worshiping one day a week with the assembly of the saints. We need both.” (The Ultimate Priority)

3 “All death can do to the believer is deliver him to Jesus. It brings us into the eternal presence of our Savior.” (1 Corinthians)

4.  “What does the Holy Spirit do in the World?  Well, He convicts of sin, righteousness and judgment.”

5.  “The corruption of a culture is on display in its music.”

6.  “How do you evangelize people?  You lead them to the Holy Scripture.”

7.  “Every temptation, directly or indirectly, is the temptation to doubt and distrust God.” (Ephesians)

8.  “Since Scripture imparts salvation, effective evangelism depends on the faithful proclamation of the Word. God will prepare the soil and bring forth the fruit. We must be faithful to plant the seed.” (Our Sufficiency in Christ)

9.  Pertaining to the Bible, “Its prophecies are fulfilled.  Its miracles are true and attested to.  It is scientifically flawless and accurate.  Its history and archaeology is verifiable down to the smallest detail.”

10.  “The only hope for this or any other society is to hear the Word of the Lord and obey.”

11.  “God's purpose in redeeming men from sin is not to give them freedom to do as they please but freedom to do as He pleases, which is to live righteously.” (Romans)

12.  “God's grace is His unmerited favor toward the wicked, unworthy sinners, by which He delivers them from condemnation and death.” (Titus)

13.  “Grace does not grant permission to live in the flesh; it supplies power to live in the Spirit.” (The Gospel According to Jesus)

14.  Pertaining to Jesus, “He picks up the broken.  He picks up the bruised: the very kind of people that the Pharisees and the scribes totally ignored.”

15.  “The teaching of a false prophet cannot withstand scrutiny under the divine light of Scripture.” (Matthew)

16.  “Justification is... a completed fact for the believer; it is not an ongoing process.” (The Glory of Heaven)

17.  “Love and truth must be maintained in perfect balance. Truth is never to be abandoned in the name of love. But love is not to be deposed in the name of truth... Truth without love has no decency; it's just brutality. On the other hand, love without truth has no character; it's just hypocrisy.” (Twelve Ordinary Men)

18.  “Works are not necessary to earn salvation. But true salvation wrought by God will not fail to produce the good works that are its fruit.” (The Gospel According to Jesus)

19.  “Remain faithful to Biblical convictions, faithful to Biblical truths.  Know the law of God.  Believe the law of God.  Be convinced about the Word of God.  Be faithful to the Word of God.  Develop a strong affection for the Word of God.”

20.  “The true way to Heaven is hard to find.  It is away from the crowd.  It is narrow.  You come naked.  You come alone.  You come penitent.  You strive to enter.”

21.  “The self-esteem cult that goes around saying we've got to build up people's self-esteem is taking them the opposite way that the message of the Bible does because the more you love yourself, the less likely you are to need a Savior.”

22.  “Theologians speak of inspiration as the mysterious process by which God worked through the authors of Scripture to produce inerrant and divinely authoritative writings... The Spirit moved on the Biblical writers to produce the Word of God in the language of men.” (Drawing Near)

23.  “As Christians we accept one foundational truth - God - and everything else makes sense. An atheist denies God and has to accept incredible explanations for everything else. It takes more faith to deny God than to believe in Him.” (The Ultimate Priority)

24.  “Worry is the sin of distrusting the promise and providence of God, and yet it is a sin that Christians commit perhaps more frequently than any other.” (Matthew)

25.  “The basic task of the church is to teach sound doctrine. It is not to give one pastor's opinion, to recite tear-jerking illustrations that play on emotions, to raise funds, to present programs and entertainment, or to give weekly devotionals."


John MacArthur has written an extensive collection of books, and his work is worth checking out.  He loves the Lord and it is evident in how much he knows about the Bible.  God bless!

Resources- The Holy Bible, English Standard Version“Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”, www.youtube.com, photo credit: Grace to You via photopin cc


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