
Miracle Baby Born At 2:22 On 2/22/22 But There's Way More To The Story Of Why She's A Miracle

February 23, 2022

Miracle Baby Born At 2:22 On 2/22/22 But There's Way More To The Story Of Why She's A Miracle

Judah Grace Spear was born at 2:22 am on Tuesday 2/22/22, meaning she's a miracle. But as impressive as all those twos may be, there are a lot of other signs pointing to God's work in this little one's life!

As Aberli and Hank Spear, a couple from Burlington, North Carolina, welcomed their first child, it seemed like the number two was coming at them from everywhere. For starters, it was a Tuesday (Twosday?) in February -- February 22 to be exact, or 2/22/22.

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Additionally, their baby girl, Judah Grace Spear, arrived at 2:22 am in hospital room number 2. She arrived weighing 7 pounds and 10 ounces and when calculated out, that totals 122 ounces!

But while the numerical parallels are pretty incredible, that's not what makes Judah a miracle. And it's the story behind this blessed child that makes 2/22/22 so special for Aberli and Hank Spear.

2/22/22 Meaning To First-Time Parents

You see, regardless of what day, time, room, or weight Judah arrived, her parents would see her as the most incredible miracle. No "Angel Numbers" (repeating number sequences) are necessary!

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Aberli Spear endured a several-years-long battle with Hodgkin's lymphoma. And though she came out victorious, doctors warned her and her husband, Hank, that they'd be unlikely to conceive.

Aberli and Hank Spear considered other means of conception, such as in-vitro fertilization. However, the huge price tag put it out of their means. And so, the couple decided to turn their fertility issues over to the Lord.

"We prayed that we would have kids," Aberli explained.

At last, Aberli and Hank discovered they were pregnant with the baby they never thought they would have. Doctors put Aberli's due date at 2/22/22, but the couple figured their baby girl would come on a different day. So rarely do babies actually arrive on their predicted due date.

The chances grew even slimmer when doctors discovered baby Judah was breached. They induced Aberli at 11:50 pm on 2/20. But then the first-time mom ended up in labor for 26 hours!

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When the couple first arrived at the hospital, staff put them in delivery room No. 3. However, the monitors in the room weren't working properly. So, the staff moved the couple to room No. 2.

Baby's Arrival Is Divine Timing

When the clock struck midnight on 2/22/22, Hank had a wild thought he shared with his mother-in-law.

"You know, it would be kind of crazy if she waited another two hours," he said.

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And that's just what happened! Baby Judah Grace Spear arrived two hours later at 2:22 am on 2/22/22 in what Hank called "God's timing."

"A miracle baby," proud mama Aberli gushed. "That's why we decided to choose the name Judah because it means praise — just praising God for giving us our heart's desires."

So, while all the twos certainly make for an interesting story, it's the fulfillment of God's promise that makes it a miracle.

"It's like looking at the impossible -- what I was told I couldn't have -- is actually a reality," Aberli explained. "It still feels like a dream."

Faith is trusting in things unseen (Hebrews 11:1). And Judah Grace is a product of Aberli's and Hank's faith. They trusted the Lord to give them a child and He did. That's what gives the 2/22/22 birth meaning. And that's why Aberli feels it's important to share their story -- to "bring hope to people to keep fighting and keep praying for what they want."

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"It will be totally worth it because God answers every prayer," she says.

WATCH: 2/22/22 Meaning Behind Miracle Baby's Birth

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h/t: Fox News

Featured Image Credit: Youtube/FOX8 WGHP

Mel is the senior writer for GodUpdates, finding, writing and sharing Christian, uplifting, and health-related stories from around the world. Mel has a passion for writing and graduated with a degree in English from Randolph-Macon College in Virginia. When she’s not researching and writing stories, Mel is very active in her church. You can usually find Mel playing board games with her husband and two young girls, giving someone a hug, or hunting down a good cup of coffee!


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