15 Comforting Christian Songs for a Death or Tragedy

January 12, 2022

15 Comforting Christian Songs for a Death or Tragedy

In my role as a musician and as a Pastor's wife I have had the opportunity to minister to many families that have been hit with tragedy. Sometimes it is the news of a terminal illness afflicting one that they love, other times it is the loss of a family member through a divorce and even death. Regardless of the life circumstance, it is good to be able to reflect upon some great Christian songs for comfort after that tragedy. 

15 Comforting Christian Songs about Death

Here are just 15 Christian songs that I hope will comfort you today. I have included a mix of hymns and contemporary songs. They are listed in no particular order as they are all very comforting.

1. You Are My Hiding Place

There are several songs with this same or similar tile. The one I list here was written by Michael Ledner and has only one verse that seems to come right out of the Psalms. Meditate on the lyrics:

You are my hiding place

You always fill my heart
With songs of deliverance
Whenever I am afraid

I will trust in You
I will trust in You
Let the weak say I am strong
In the strength of the Lord

2. Comforter

A song that always lifts my spirit is “Comforter” performed by CC Winans. I think of the following Scripture when I hear this song:

Bible Truth - “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7)

3. What A Friend We Have in Jesus

This comforting hymn has been sung in our churches for many years. It is now available as Public Domain but I think it is worth mentioning that it was written by Charles Crozat Converse and Joseph Medlicott Scriven. My favorite verse is:

Have we trials and temptations

Is there trouble anywhere
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer

Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share
Jesus knows our ev'ry weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer

4. Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)

This song made popular by the Christian contemporary group Casting Crowns makes me think of our Lord's Resurrection. What better thing to think on than that of the glorious day that Jesus conquered death for all. In light of that, our present day tragedies are diminished.

One day the trumpet will sound for His coming.

One day the skies with His glories will shine.
Wonderful day my beloved one bringing.
My Savior Jesus is mine

5. Someone Worth Dying For

The first time I heard this song by the popular contemporary group “Mikeschair” I tried to remember what it was like to live in the world that offers no hope. As a believer in Jesus we have the guarantee that we are exactly the “someone” that Jesus bled and died for. No matter what is happening in your life right now, I hope you never forget:

You're worth it you can't earn it.

Yeah the cross has proven.
That you're sacred and blameless.
Your life has purpose

6. God Wants to Hear You Sing

Written by Rodney Griffin of the Southern Gospel group “Greater Vision” this song reminds us that our song is like sweet smelling savor to our Heavenly Father. It is easy to sing our hearts out when we are joyful; but how much sweeter is it to sing to the Lord when we are down deep in despair. God has blessed us immeasurably, with an unspeakable gift, why not bless Him with our song when suffering comes along. Your circumstance is not hopeless when you are God's child.

7. Great is Thy Faithfulness

This hymn includes lyrics straight from the weeping prophet Jeremiah. It speaks of life's ups and downs and how faithful God is, even on our worse days. I remember a time when this hymn and the underlying Scriptures soothed my soul through a great tragedy in my life.

Bible Truth - “It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

8. Redeemed

It is wonderful to sing of our redemption, and indeed many songs have been written on this very subject. The one I list here was written in 2011 by Benji Cowart and Michael Weaver. It sings of the freedom that is found in Christ; the truth that we do not need dwell upon all of life's struggles when we are a new creature in Christ. The bridge in this song is very powerful with the lyrics:

Because I don't have to be the old man inside of me,
'Cause his day is long dead and gone.
Because I've got a new name a new life.
I'm not the same and a hope that will carry me home.”

9. How He Loves

Another recently written and recorded contemporary song is all about how He loves us. There is hope and comfort when we reflect upon our eternal home as a believer. John Marc McMillan wrote the words and I love how thinks on good things, take a look:

So Heaven meets earth. Like a sloppy wet (unforeseen) kiss.
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest.
I don't have time to maintain these regrets.
When I think about the way that

10. His Eye is on the Sparrow

The Bible tells us that we are more important than birds, yet the Lord never stops caring for them. This lovely hymn was written several years ago by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel and Civilla Durfee Martin. It is difficult to sing it while dwelling on our unhappy life circumstance. We can joyfully sing because we are free in Christ.

11. Hello My Name Is

“Hello my Name is” written and sung my Matthew West is based on the story of Jordan. Jordan's life was a tragedy from the effects of drug abuse. He was an aspiring athlete and was kicked out of college because of his sinful life choices. Regret and defeat almost destroyed his life. Then he listened to the voice of his Father in Heaven who reminded him that he is a child of the One True King. When he began to walk with the Lord again his life was transformed and he actually graduated with a Master's Degree from that same Christian college that expelled him earlier in life. He has been called to full-time ministry just like his Daddy the preacher. This is a song of victory that comes only from a relationship with Jesus. I hope the video helps you to concentrate on the promise that we have in Christ. When you choose not to dwell upon your life circumstance and instead allow God to be your leader, you can identify with Jordan and say: “Hello my name is child on the One True King.”

12. When We All Get to Heaven

In case I have never mentioned it before, I want you to know that this song will be sung at my funeral. And I want happy voices and dancing to the Father because when we all get to Heaven there is going to be some rejoicing. All of these things of earth will be gone and we will have nothing to do but sing praises to God the Almighty. “When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and SHOUT the victory!”

13. Stronger

This is another song title that has been used many times. The one that comes to my mind here is the one that Mandisa popularized; written by Ben Glover, Chris Stevens and David Garcia. This is an upbeat song that reminds us that sometimes we go through trials in order to become stronger.

Bible Truth - “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

14. You Are I Am

Sometimes we just need to step back and remember that every trial in this life is overshadowed by the fact that God is God. In our human minds, and in the midst of tragedy, we just forget that we can give everything to God and He will deal with it in His own perfect way … in His own perfect time. This newer song that is sung by MercyMe is exactly about God being God – I AM. I especially like the words “The veil is torn and now I live with the Spirit inside. The same one. The very same one. Who brought the Son back to life”.

15. Victory in Jesus

“Victory in Jesus, my Saviour forever”. This great hymn of faith tells of the old, old story of how a Saviour came from glory. It is a reminder that in the end, Jesus wins! When we are in Christ we can look forward to that sweet day when we will sing the song of victory. All of our earthly cares will be in the past and we will be with Jesus.

Each and every one of these songs have touched me in a special way. For some I look back on great tragedies in my like. And then I thank the Lord for those that write and perform this beautiful music. It has comforted me in my times of need and I pray that it will do the same for you. Please feel free to add to this list in the comments below. There are so many beautiful, Christian songs that will lift you from the valley and place you on the mountain. What a blessing.

Did you enjoy this article by Pamela Rose Williams, then you will love her post titled Top 10 Christian Country Songs.

Resource – The Holy Bible, King James Version, www.youtube.com, photo credit: Unsplash


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