14 Daily Prayers To Jump Start Your Morning


Daily prayer can truly change our lives. But sometimes it is hard to find the time to sit for an hour and just commune with God. So these 14 daily prayers are quick and simple prayers that can change your life before you even get out of bed.

Daily Prayer for Peace

Help me Lord to give you the things I do not understand. I know there is no reason to worry or be anxious since you are in control.

Daily Prayer for Patience

Today I know my patience will be tested. Help me to give others the grace you have given me time and time again.

RELATED: 9 Powerful Prayers for Your War Room

Daily Prayer for The Tough Days

Things are hard right now Lord and I don't even know if I can get out of bed. Help me to fix my eyes on you and the light and hope you provide in this my darkest hour.

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Daily Prayer for Love

God I know that you are love. You have loved me more than I can ever imagine. Help me to love others like you love them.

Daily Prayer for Joy

Lord fill me with your deep and everlasting joy. May it shine through me so that others can see you.

Daily Prayer for Generosity

Let me be a blessing to someone today. Let me give willingly from the abundance you have blessed me with!

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Daily Prayer for Marriage

God help me remember through the frustrations that today may hold that you have given me a partner to help me fight my battles. Let me be uplifting and loving so that my spouse will feel your love through me.

Daily Prayer for Children

Thank you Lord for the blessings that are my children. Help me to give them the grace, understanding and loving direction that you give me as my Heavenly Father.

Daily Prayer for Mirroring Christ

When people look at me, Lord let them see you and your light shining through.

RELATED: 9 Fruits of the Spirit Prayers to Pray to Be More Like Jesus

Daily Prayer for Wisdom

May the words I speak today be yours. Help me to understand the things that baffle me so that I can see your plan more clearly.

Daily Prayer for Surrender

I am laying my struggles at the foot of the cross. Help me to leave them there and not try to take back control.

Daily Prayer for Forgiveness

Lord, I declare in your name that the sins from yesterday will not follow me into this new day. Help me fight temptation and sin no more.

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Daily Prayer for Salvation

Help me to be fearless in sharing the Gospel. May my love of you and those around me help draw others to the foot of the cross.

Daily Prayer for a Hurried Morning

Lord help me make my day useful and my night restful. Help me keep my words and actions from being hurtful.Today is a new chance to shine your light and extend your grace. I haven't messed up yet. But as soon as I get out of this bed I'm gonna need all the help I can get!

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Prayers to Encourage Your Christian Life

This article is part of a series of prayers that are published on GodUpdates. Here are more posts about prayers that we thought you might like!

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: 10 Morning Prayers You Can Use Daily

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