This vintage clip from 1948 shows a 13-year-old Julie Andrews singing for King George VI. And this throwback is a special moment you don't want to miss!
In front of a grand choir, a precious young girl in a cute dress comes out onto the stage. It is little Julie Andrews.
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13-year-old Julie Andrews runs over to the microphone and begins by singing the British national anthem. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth I are at the 1948 Royal Command Performance at London's Palladium.
Her young voice is very mature and confident for such a young age. She stands with poise and grace as she performs.
Then, suddenly the entire choir and instruments join for a powerful performance. There is such patriotism and high energy from all of the choir and orchestra. You can hear a high note hit at the end of the song that might be Julie herself. The entire audience applauds and cheers after a wonderful performance.
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The camera zooms in on Julie in her adorable white dress, standing in front of the choir with a huge smile on her face. She is clapping with immense enthusiasm and happiness.
As we all know, Julie Andrews would bless many with her beautiful singing for years to come. But on this day in 1948, you can tell that this was a huge honor and privilege for her in life. She had the opportunity to sing for royalty at such a young age.
We can feel this type of honor today. The King of all has invited us to His table. He has made us co-heirs with Christ and He has called us His bride. He is so worthy of honor and our song, yet He welcomes us and knows us by name. We serve a personal King.
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That he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. Ephesians 1:20-21
h/t: Godtube
Featured Image Credit: YouTube/British Pathé | Facebook/Julie Andrews