12 Great Quotes From the Movie Courageous

Courageous is an amazing movie with really solid life lessons. Have you watched it yet? It is about 4 police officers who are put to the ultimate testing of their faith in God and as husbands and fathers. When calamity strikes, these men are faced with a difficult choice. What is the outcome? You’ll have to watch it to find out! Here are 12 awesome quotes from this movie! These are in no particular order. I love them all and it is too hard to choose. Enjoy!

12. “I have heard many people say, who have lost a loved one, that in some ways it is like learning to live with an amputation. You do heal, but you are never the same.”

11. “So where are you men of courage? Where are you, fathers who fear the Lord? It's time to rise up and answer the call that God has given to you, and to say, "I will. I will. I will."

10. “I now believe that God desires for EVERY father to courageously step up and do whatever it takes to be involved in the lives of his children. But more than just being there providing for them, he is to walk with them through their young lives and be a visual representation of the character of God, their Father in heaven.”

9. “A father should love his children, and seek to win their hearts. He should protect them, discipline them, and teach them about God. He should model how to walk with integrity and treat others with respect, and should call out his children to become responsible men and women, who live their lives for what matters in eternity.”

8. “Because He (Jesus) lives, the grieving broken heart has hope, and reason to rejoice.”

7. “I don't feel like I started well. I want to finish well. What I want for you is that you seek the Lord. That you trust Him, even if it means you’re standing alone."

6. “I do solemnly resolve before God to take full responsibility for myself, my wife, and my children. I WILL love them, protect them, serve them, and teach them the Word of God as the spiritual leader of my home.”

5. “I WILL be faithful to my wife, to love and honor her, and be willing to lay down my life for her as Jesus Christ did for me. I WILL bless my children and teach them to love God with all of their hearts, all of their minds, and all of their strength. I WILL train them to honor authority and live responsibly.”

4. “I don't want to be a good enough father. We have a few short years to influence our kids. Whatever patterns we set for them in life will be used for their kids, and the generation after that. We have the responsibility to mold a life. And I don't think that should be done casually. Half the fathers in this country are already failing, and I don't want to be one of them. I'm talking about setting the standards that they need to aim for in life."

3. “Part of being a man is about taking responsibility. Any fool can have a child... Let me break it to you this way, you are guilty. Listen, one day you, me, and every one of us are gonna have to stand before God, and He's gonna do what good judges do."

2. “I'm learning that God wants me to call out the man in my son."

1. “I WILL forgive those who have wronged me and reconcile with those I have wronged. I WILL learn from my mistakes, repent of my sins, and walk with integrity as a man answerable to God. I WILL seek to honor God, be faithful to His church, obey His Word, and do His will. I WILL courageously work with the strength God provides to fulfill this resolution for the rest of my life and for His glory. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”


Courageous is a must see movie that will inspire men to step up as fathers and husbands. We only have one life to mold our kids and neglecting them will do no good! I hope you have enjoyed these 12 great quotes from the movie “Courageous”. What are some of your favorite lines from the movie? Please let us know in the comments below. God bless all of you!

 Click on this link to see the companion article about the Kendrick brothers' "Fireproof" movie.  10 Powerful Quotes From The Movie Fireproof

Resources- Youtube,photo credit: [Share the Word] via photopin cc

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