Mom Gives Birth To Baby So Big, The 11-Lb Newborn Went Straight Into Toddler Clothes

Alyssa Forsberg

One first-time mom in England was in for a surprise when she gave birth to an 11 lb newborn! 

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Sarah Dines is a teacher and gave birth to her first baby last year. She named him Montague, or Monty for short. When he was born, he weighed a whopping 11 lbs! Now, Monty is 11 months old and is wearing clothing that is sized for two to three-year-olds. 

"He was so big when he was born, he looked ridiculous," said Sarah. "When the doctors took him out, they were all laughing. And I didn't know why at first. One of them said he was ready for school, and the little towel they wrapped him just didn't fit.”

At first, Sarah wanted to have a water birth at home, but she ended up giving birth to Monty via a cesarean section.

11-lb Newborn Stuns Doctors And Goes Straight Into Toddler Clothes

"He was in the 99.9th percentile for height and 99.6th for weight. Even the little cap they gave him at the hospital was too small,” Sarah shared. "My sister had to run and buy me some nappies because none of the ones we had fit him either. As he's gotten older, he's gone up and up in sizes. He's always been in bigger clothes than his age.”

Monty may have been a bigger baby due to having parents that are on the taller side. “I'm 5 foot 9 inches, and my husband, Elliott, is 6 feet. So, we were never going to have a small baby. Neither of us were particularly big when we were born, I think I just carry big babies." 

No matter our size, God created us all to be beautiful in our own ways. May baby Monty keep growing big and strong and bless his parents as they raise this little boy together. 

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Psalm 139:13-14
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

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