100+ Inspirational Love Quotes To Anoint Your Life With Passion

Mel Johnson

Love. The powerful emotion has long been honored in songs, poems, holidays, books, movies -- you name it. It can be exciting, passionate, overwhelming, and at times, even painful. It's something we've all experienced in some way or another, and these inspirational love quotes are a great way to spark some warm, fuzzy feelings.

Whether you're looking for a quote to share with someone special or you just want to spend some time awakening your inner-Cassanova. This page is packed with all the quotes you could possibly need. And we pray these 100+ inspirational quotes on love will brighten your day and set your heart aflutter!

Inspirational Love Quotes About Romance

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Inspirational Love Quotes From Movies

[caption id="attachment_51923" width="750"] Credit: Unsplash/ Clem Onojeghuo[/caption]

There's something magical about seeing love unfold on the big screen. And here are some of the most heart-melting, swoon-worthy, and inspirational love quotes to come out of Hollywood!

WATCH: Inspirational Love Quotes -- It's A Wonderful Life

WATCH: Inspirational Love Quotes -- Jerry Maguire

WATCH: Inspirational Love Quotes -- Notting Hill

WATCH: Inspirational Love Quotes -- Lord Of The Rings

WATCH: Inspirational Love Quotes -- Gone With The Wind

Romantic love can certainly be exciting. But it can also be fickle. After all, finding Mr. or Mrs. Right involves a certain amount of trial and error!

Should you find yourself in a romantic relationship that's run its course, comedian John Crist has you covered. He's put together a collection of Christian breakup lines for when it's time to say "buh-bye." ;)

(Ok, so maybe you don't actually want to use these in your own life. But you can still watch and get a kick out of his hilarious approach to break ups!) 

WATCH: John Crist Presents Christian Break Up Lines


Funny Love Quotes

And John Crist isn't the only one finding the humor in love. Check out these funny love quotes for even more laughs!

RELATED: 7 Inspirational Love Quotes From Snoopy And Friends To Help Bless Your Day

Romance is a wonderful thing. But it's just one form of love. And here are plenty more inspirational love quotes that go far beyond wooing!

Inspirational Love Quotes

Love has the power to drive out darkness and bring us all together. It's vital to our existence. After all, love makes the world go 'round. And these encouraging quotes are sure to get your spirits soaring!

Inspirational Love Quotes About Life

As honky-tonk singer Faron Young once said, if you ain't lovin' you ain't livin'! These quotes are all about the importance of love in our lives and in our world.

Inspirational Love Quotes From The Bible

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Considering the fact that God IS love, the Bible is an excellent source of inspirational love quotes! Afterall, God is the ultimate example of what true love looks like. In fact, the Good News of Jesus is the greatest love story ever told!

Our God loves us so much, even with all of our sins and baggage, that He sacrificed His only Son for us. A Son completely willing to die so that nothing -- absolutely NOTHING -- can separate us from our Heavenly Father!

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." ~ Romans 8: 38-39

As Believers, we are commanded to "put on love." Whether it's family, friends, or even strangers, the Bible tells us that the world will know us by our love. So, here are just a few Bible verses about love to get you jumpstarted.

But these are just the tip of the iceberg! Want more? Crack open that Bible (or check it out online here) and get to reading all about God's unconditional love for His children (that's YOU!).

Bible Verses On The Importance of Love

Bible Verses On The Nature of Love

RELATED: 9 Fruits of the Spirit Prayers to Pray to Be More Like Jesus

Bible Verses On Love In Marriage

Bible Verses On Love Between Parents And Children

RELATED: 4 Powerful Ways Praying Grandparents Make A HUGE Difference

Bible Verses On God's Love For Us

WATCH: 10 Bible Verses That Prove How Much God Loves Us

Inspirational Love Quotes From Christians

RELATED: 40 Courageous Quotes from Billy Graham

Phew! That's a whole lotta love!

We hope these inspirational love quotes have filled your day with romance, wonder, and more than a few smiles.

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Featured Image Credit: Thinkstock/nikkytok

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