10 Songs for New Christians

September 18, 2015

10 Songs for New Christians

God works in mysterious ways and it’s uplifting to see how He reaches people at all points and seasons. Did you grow up attending church multiple times per week? Maybe your roommate invited you to a weekly Bible study in college. You noticed your coworker prayed throughout the day and wasn’t falling apart as life seemed to be unraveling with a sick child and stressful marriage. One Sunday you stepped into church without having a logical reason for why, but you kept going back. We all have a story and God’s love is what binds us together. The excitement pouring from you as you become a new Christian and creation is felt by everyone around you. Angels were singing and you felt alive in a way that nothing on Earth has ever made you feel. Keep on smiling and rejoicing as you see God work in your life.

We are excited for you and have picked out 10 songs to uplift, encourage you and remind you that God’s love is enduring.

Here are 10 songs for new Christians:

10. “Like A Match” by TobyMac

Do you feel like you just want to run away at times? This is normal for everyone, but fortunately, you don’t need to run far to find God’s embrace. He will renew you and you will be amazed by how much He loves you! Here are my favorite lyrics: “You and me, we gotta love | Hold nothing back | You and me, we gotta love | Strike it up, like a match.”

9. “Day One” by Matthew West 

God will change you in ways you can’t imagine, but it takes time. Take life one day at a time and don’t beat yourself up as you learn how to be obedient to Christ. Here are favorite lyrics I remind myself of often, “Well, every single day | Your grace reminds me | That my best days are not behind me | Wherever my yesterday may find me | Well, I don't have to stay there.”

8. “Love Take Me Over” by Steven Curtis Chapman

Do you start your day with a cup of freshly brewed coffee? Steven Curtis Chapman does too and shares his thoughts as he sips away. He wonders how God is transforming him and he calls out to God to fill Him up with love. Here are some great lyrics to remember as you wake up each morning, “Love, take these words that I'm speaking | Love, take these thoughts that I'm thinking | Love, take me over | Love, fill up all of my space and | Love, come stand right here in my place | Love, hear this prayer that I'm praying | Love, take me, love, take me over | Love, take me over.”

7. “Shake” by MercyMe 

Coffee is a popular side theme in Christian songs as you will see when you check out the music video to “Shake”. Everything good you heard about God, Jesus and Christianity becomes so real after you become a Christian. Welcome and we would love to share a cup of coffee with you! Here are some of my favorite lyrics from “Shake”: “Blame it on the transformation | Changed down to the core | His love is real | And I can't sit still | Cause my name's not shamed no.” more | Great God Almighty, gonna change this | Great God Almighty, He gonna change me.”

6. “Name” by Nichole Nordeman

Part of being a Christian is realizing how Satan tries to break you down. He did this before, but now you will begin realizing how Satan works. Don’t listen to the words and phrases throwing darts at your heart – these are not filled with God’s truth about who you are. My favorite lyrics from “Name” are, “You are still a promise, | Heartbeat of god, | You may have for gotten, | But he has not, | You are not your ashes | You are a flame, | Do not ask the shadows | The light of the world knows, | Knows your name.”

5. “My Story” by Big Daddy Weave 

How do you describe how God has transformed your life? You can list details, but it will always lead to love. God loves you so much and shows you this over and over as He redeems your story. Here are some favorite lyrics from this song, “If I should speak then let it be | Of the grace that is greater than all my sin | Of when justice was served and where mercy wins | Of the kindness of Jesus that draws me in | Oh to tell you my story is to tell of Him.”

4. “How Can It Be” by Lauren Daigle 

You still remember your past when you give your life to Christ, but God will use your story and redeem every dark place, mistake and renew you. Don’t let yourself get down when you make a mistake because every Christian does, regardless of when you become a Christian. Here are some of my favorite lyrics: “You plead my cause, you right my wrongs | You break my chains, you overcome | You gave your life, to give me mine | You say that I am free | How can it be? Yeah | How can it be? Yeah.”

3. “Prodigal” by Sidewalk Prophets 

Is there something that is bothering you to your core? Maybe it’s a feeling, mistake or even something that happened to you. God can help you through this and one way He does this is by blessing you with other Christians to help encourage and uplift you. If you feel like the prodigal son (or daughter) that the Sidewalk Prophets sings about in “Prodigal” then talk to God about it and look for the person He is trying to bless you with. Here are some lyrics to ponder, “Wherever you are, whatever you did | It's a page in your book, but it isn't the end | Your Father will meet you with arms open wide | This is where your heart belongs | Come running like a prodigal.”

2. “All The People Said Amen” by Matt Maher 

You need to follow Matt Maher on Facebook if you haven’t already. His music is uplifting and full of deep truths. “All The People Said Amen” talks about how God loves all people regardless of their background or cultural status. An awesome line from this song is, “If you're rich or poor, well it don't matter | Weak or strong, you know love is what we're after | We're all broken but we're all in this together | God knows we stumble and fall | And He so loved the world He sent His son to save us all | And all the people said Amen, whoa oh | And all the people said Amen | Give thanks to the Lord for His love never ends | And all the people said Amen.”

1. “Fix My Eyes” by for KING & COUNTRY

Get up! Jump up and start dancing around. Christian band for KING & COUNTRY has that effect. Sing with them while they shout “Fix my eyes on you, On you” as you let this since in deep. Think about this all day and ask God how He can fix your eyes on Him. Maybe He’s nudging you to buy a coffee for the person behind you or smile and say hello to a stranger who looks downcast. Be brave and let God show you how to “Love like I'm not scared | Give when it's not fair | Live life for another | Take time for a brother | Fight for the weak ones | Speak out for freedom | Find faith in the battle | Stand tall but above it all | Fix my eyes on You | On You.”

Closing Thoughts

This new Christian life that you are striving to live is exciting. Maybe you have purpose for the first time in your life or have finally experienced what true love feels like. Maybe you realize there has always been a reason for your desire to help others. Maybe you can now see a glimpse of the goodness God has in store for your life as you help fulfill His will. These Christian songs will bring Biblical truth to your life and it’s amazing how “your” song will come on the radio right when you need it. Share with us what “your” song is – you know, the one that constantly speaks to you. Connect with us on Facebook.

A Playlist To Listen To All Of  These Awesome Songs

Article by Elise Cleary

I'm a Christian writer and editor residing in northern Michigan and thoroughly enjoy Christian centered music, movies, TV shows and books. A favorite song is "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)" by Hillsong United and I find many songs by Matt Maher, Tim Timmons, Third Day, Laura Story, Jeremy Camp and numerous other artists uplifting. A few of my favorite Christian movies include God's Not Dead, The Shunning, Do You Believe and many by the Kendrick brothers. When I'm not writing, I enjoy running, experimenting in the kitchen and spending time with my musically gifted husband and spunky daughter. I am so blessed and in awe of the work God is doing throughout the Christian entertainment industry.


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