
10 Christian Songs To Energize You

November 24, 2014

10 Christian Songs To Energize You

As the shorter days of winter are coming on, you might be noticing a little dip in your energy levels. Sure, there’s always coffee, energy drinks, or going to bed earlier (More sleep? What’s that?). All joking aside, people are constantly searching for new ways to get energized – whether it’s for a workout, a weekend getaway, or just to get through the day.

This is a list of some non-caffeinated suggestions for getting energized. Music has the ability to affect our moods, and our moods can affect our attitude and energy level as much as the amount of caffeine in the bloodstream. So next time you’re feeling sluggish, sleepy, distracted, or just plain down, put on some energizing music. Here are ten of my favorites:

10 – It's a Good Day by FFH

One of the simplest ways to have a good day is to say that you’re having a good day. Even if things aren’t going the way you want, this song can help you to put things in perspective.

Favorite lyrics: “We are all as happy as we make our minds up to be. I have just decided that nothing's gonna take this joy from me.”

9 – Grace Like Rain by Todd Agnew

This song is a reworking of the classic hymn “Amazing Grace.” No, “Amazing Grace” does not have to be funeral song. In fact, it’s a very positive, uplifting, and even energizing song. While Todd Agnew’s version isn’t particularly fast-paced, if you pay attention to the words and his deep powerful voice, you’ll find you find yourself singing along with his simple refrain, even if you don’t know all the words of “Amazing Grace.”

Favorite lyrics: “Hallelujah, grace like rain falls down on me. Hallelujah, all my stains are washed away, washed away.”

8 – Shout for Joy by Eden's Bridge

This song is Psalm 100. Singing praises to God always gets me energized. And in this case, it’s coupled with the folksy Irish jig sound of Eden’s Bridge. Whether you’re a fan of Celtic music or not, this song will get your toe tapping and your eyes open in no time.

Favorite lyrics: “Shout for joy to the Lord all the earth, worship the Lord with gladness. Come before Him with joyful songs, and know that the Lord is good!”

7 – Everywhere Around Me by Greta Salóme Stefánsdóttir

This upbeat song will get you energized with its rhythm and Greta’s clear but powerful vocals. But as with all of these energizing song choices, it’s the lyrics that matter as much – or more – than the sound of the music. Words affect our moods as much as beats and melodies, and this song’s words are about as positive as they come.

Favorite lyrics: “I´m gonna tell the world I found the thing that turned my life around. The pain is gone, the sky is clear. Broken chains and no more fear.”

6 – Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee by Amy Grant

A nineteenth century pastor wrote the words of this “Hymn of Joy,” intending to set the lyrics to the tune of Beethoven’s classic “Ode to Joy” symphonic movement. Choirs and individuals alike have been singing this hymn ever since then. I picked Amy Grant’s country/folk version for this list simply because it’s my personal favorite.

Favorite lyrics: “All Thy works with joy surround Thee, earth and heav'n reflect Thy rays, stars and angels sing around Thee, center of unbroken praise!”

5 – Just Fall by Anthem Lights

The fast dance beat of this song is sure to wake you up, but again, it’s the lyrics that hold the real power. Whether you’re simply tired, or you’re dealing with a real struggle in your life, this song is a reminder that God is always there to make your burdens light.

Favorite lyrics: “You've been holding so much weight, yeah. Let my arms be your escape. You can just fall into me, I'll be the ground beneath your feet.”

4 – You Are Loved by Rebecca St James

Rebecca St. James’ songs never fail to energize me, with her rich musical arrangements and her passionate voice. I could have picked just about any song of hers for this list, but I chose this one because it’s basically a prayer to an old friend. This is a powerful reminder that we all have the calling to share Jesus’ love with everyone we know. That thought should energize us more than anything.

Favorite lyrics: “This is what I want to say to you, if I had one chance to speak to your heart. You are loved more than you could ever know.”

3 – Eyes Like Fire by Dustin Smith

This is a slower song, but if you’re energized by beautiful worship songs, then this is the song for you.

Favorite lyrics: “I wanna look in the eyes of the One I love, let my soul be reminded of all He's done. I wanna run to the heart of the Holy One, giving all that I am to this God above.”

2 – Brave by Nichole Nordeman

There’s something energizing about breaking away from chains of the past and taking that step of faith that you’re afraid of but you really want to take. That’s what “Brave” is all about.

Favorite lyrics: “So long status quo, I think I just let go. You make me wanna be brave. The way it always was is no longer good enough. You make me wanna be brave.”

1 – God's Not Dead (Like a Lion) by The Newsboys

If nothing else energizes you, then knowing that God is alive and He loves you should be enough. The sound of the current Newsboys lineup is energizing just by itself. The chorus of the song sums it all up.

Favorite lyrics: “My God's not dead, He's surely alive. He's living on the inside, roaring like a lion!”

I hope you feel awake and energized now and ready to take on the world for Jesus!

Resources- Youtube, photo credit: breezy421 via photopin cc

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