10 Christian Baby Dedication Songs

Dedicating our children in church is a promise that we, as parents, make to the Lord. We are publically sharing our intent to raise our new baby in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. This can be a time of great celebration in some churches as our church family is excited to be witness to our promise.

In the Bible we see that Joseph and Mary went to the temple in Jerusalem to dedicate Jesus to the Lord 40 days after his birth, as was according to the Old Testament law:

“And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; (As it is written in the law of the LORD, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;) And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.” (Luke 2:22-24, cf Leviticus 12:1-6)

Top 10 Christian Baby Dedication Songs

Here are 10 Christian Baby Dedication songs that you might consider for your special dedication service.

The Baby Dedication Song (Debby Kerner Rettino)

I have heard this one sung by a Daddy and Momma at their baby dedication. While most of us do not have the courage to do such a thing I think you will agree that this is quite the appropriate song. Here are the lyrics to the chorus:

“O Lord we dedicate his life to You
For Your eternal Plan
Guide him and protect him
Hold his little hand

O Lord we dedicate his life to You
We hold him up in prayer
Keep him safe beside You
We trust him to Your Care”

Take My Life and Let it Be (Frances Ridley Havergal & Henri Abraham Cesar Malan)

This beloved hymn of faith is very appropriate for baby dedication day. I think the last verse is especially inspiring:

“Take my love my Lord I pour. At Thy feet its treasure store. Take myself and I will be. Ever only all for Thee. Ever only all for Thee. Amen”

Placed in a Family of Love (Twila Paris)

A little known song by Twila Paris is perfect for a baby dedication. “And if you don’t have a mother, He will sing you lullabies, and He’ll be right beside you every day.” It is a song that shares the love that our Heavenly Father provides for all of the little children.

In My Arms (Jeremy Bose, Matt Bronleewe & Tiffany Arbuckle Lee)

This is a pretty one that has been performed by Contemporary Christian artist Plumb. I found a video for you to enjoy of this one.

He Gave Me You (Stephanie Marshburn & Don Gaskins)

This lovely ballad speaks of the blessings of having children. It is from a Mother’s perspective. I especially love the chorus:

“God blessed my life when He gave me you. And I promise to teach you about Him, And show you His love in all that I do. This treasure on loan from Heaven. Is God’s and His alone. He gave me you so I could give you back to Him.”

Find Your Wings (Mark Harris & Tony Wood)

I listened to Mark Harris a lot back in the day that he sang with the Christian Contemporary group “4Him”. He continues to be a great singer and song writer in his solo career as well. This is a song that has crossed over even into the secular realm, but I think we can argue that it is one that is appropriate for many celebrations of a child’s life and even Christian dedications. Take a look at the lyrics to the chorus:

“I pray that God will fill your heart with dreams

And that faith gives you the courage

To dare to do great things

I'm here for you whatever this life brings

So let my love give you roots

And help you find your wings”

A Mother’s Prayer “Hannah’s Song” (Rachel Aldous)

A true dedication to the Lord, Rachel Aldous wrote this song for her daughter Hannah who was suffering from Neurofibromatosis which was causing tumors to grow on the nerve endings in her little body. This song is the result of a prayer that Rachel had for her little girl. I hope you enjoy the video below.

A Mother’s Prayer (Fionan DeBarra, Keith Getty & Kristyn Getty)

“Hold my hand, I’ll teach you the way to go” is the theme of this old Gaelic lullaby which is also a great song for child dedication. On Keith and Kristyn’s album “Hymns for the Christian Life” this is an especially lovely song that features the voice of Moya Brennan former singer in the band Clannad. This was originally written as a prayer for the Getty’s daughter Eliza. The last chorus includes these Gaelic words:

Take His hand and go where He calls you to
And whatever comes, seek Him
With all your heart
This will be my prayer for you

“Dun do shuil" (close your eyes)

Dun do shuil a run mo chroi

(Close your eyes oh love of my heart)

A chid den tsaol 's a gra liom

(My worldly joy my treasure)

Dun do shuil a run mo chroi

(Close your eyes oh love of my heart)

Agus gheobhair feirin amarach

(And you will get a gift tomorrow)”

The Family of God (Gloria & William J. Gaither)

A Southern Gospel favorite is also one that works well for a baby dedication. It is a great reminder of the Truth found in Scripture regarding God’s Church:

Bible Truth: “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:16-18)

Welcome to the Family (Debby Kerner Rettino)

This is a great song for a children’s choir to present at a dedication service. Here are the lyrics to the chorus:

“Welcome to the family we're glad that you have come to share your life with us. As we grow in love and may we always be to you what God would have us be. A family always there to be strong and to lean on.”

Christian Baby Dedication Songs: Conclusion

A baby dedication is a wonderful time in the life of parent and in the life of the Church. I pray that if you are getting ready to dedicate you child to the Lord that you consider it to be a promise of a lifetime. Feel free to share your own ideas for songs that can be used for a Christian baby dedication in the comments below.

Click on the following link to read Pamela's popular title covering the top female musicians in the industry:  20 Best Female Christian Artists

Resource – The Holy Bible, King James Version, youtube.com, Photo Credit: Unsplash

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