Romans 3:27


King James Version (KJV)

Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? No: but by the law of faith.

American King James Version (AKJV)

Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? No: but by the law of faith.

American Standard Version (ASV)

Where then is the glorying? It is excluded. By what manner of law? of works? Nay: but by a law of faith.

Basic English Translation (BBE)

What reason, then, is there for pride? It is shut out. By what sort of law? of works? No, but by a law of faith.

Webster's Revision

Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? No; but by the law of faith.

World English Bible

Where then is the boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? Of works? No, but by a law of faith.

English Revised Version (ERV)

Where then is the glorying? It is excluded. By what manner of law? of works? Nay: but by a law of faith.

Definitions for Romans 3:27

Nay - No.

Clarke's Romans 3:27 Bible Commentary

Jew. Where is boasting, then? - 'η καυχησις, This glorying of ours. Have we nothing in which we can trust for our acceptance with God? No merit of our own? Nothing accruing to us from our circumcision and being in covenant with God.

Apostle, It is excluded - εξεκλεισθη, It is shut out; the door of heaven is shut against every thing of this kind.

Jew. By what law? - By what rule, doctrine, or reason is it shut out? by the law of works? The rule of obedience, which God gave to us, and by which obedience we are accepted by him?

Apostle. Nay - Not by the law of works; glorying is not cut off or shut out by that; it stands in full force as the rule of life; but you have sinned and need pardon. The law of works grants no pardon, it requires obedience, and threatens the disobedient with death. But all glorying in the expectation of salvation, through your own obedience, is excluded by the law, the doctrine of faith: faith alone, in the mercy of God, through the propitiation made by the blood of Jesus, (Romans 3:25), is that by which you can be justified, pardoned, and taken into the Divine favor.

Barnes's Romans 3:27 Bible Commentary

Where is boasting then? - Where is there ground or occasion of boasting or pride? Since all have sinned, and since all have failed of being able to justify themselves by obeying the Law, and since all are alike dependent on the mere mercy of God in Christ, all ground of boasting is of course taken away. This refers particularly to the Jews, who were much addicted to boasting of their special privileges; See the note at Romans 3:1, etc.

By what law? - The word "law "here is used in the sense of "arrangement, rule, or economy." By what arrangement, or by the operation of what rule, is boasting excluded? "(Stuart)." See Galatians 3:21; Acts 21:20.

Of works - The Law which commands works, and on which the Jews relied. If this were complied with, and they were thereby justified, they would have had ground of self-confidence, or boasting, as being justified by their own merits. But a plan which led to this, which ended in boasting, and self-satisfaction, and pride, could not be true.

Nay - No.

The law of faith - The rule, or arrangement which proclaims that we have no merit; that we are lost sinners; and that we are to be justified only by faith.

Wesley's Romans 3:27 Bible Commentary

3:27 Where is the boasting then of the Jew against the gentile?It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay - This would have left room for boasting. But by the law of faith - Since this requires all, without distinction, to apply as guilty and helpless sinners, to the free mercy of God in Christ.The law of faith is that divine constitution which makes faith, not works, the condition of acceptance.