Among whom are you also the called of Jesus Christ:
Among whom are you also the called of Jesus Christ:
among whom are ye also called to be Jesus Christ's:
Among whom you in the same way have been marked out to be disciples of Jesus Christ:
Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ:
among whom you are also called to belong to Jesus Christ;
among whom are ye also, called to be Jesus Christ's:
Ye are the called - Ye Romans are all invited to believe in Christ Jesus, for the salvation of your souls; and to you, with the rest, my apostolical mission extends. This appears to be the most obvious sense of the word called in this place - to be called by the Gospel is to be invited to believe in Christ Jesus, and become his disciples. The word sometimes means constituted, or made, as in Romans 1:1.
Among whom - That is, among the Gentiles who had become obedient to the Christian faith in accordance with the design of the gospel, Romans 1:8. This proves that the church at Rome was made up partly at least, if not mainly, of Gentiles or pagans. This is fully proved in the xvith. chapter by the names of the persons whom Paul salutes.
The called of Jesus Christ - Those whom Jesus Christ has called to be his followers. The word "called" (see Romans 1:1) denotes not merely an external invitation to privilege, but it also denotes the "internal" or "effectual" call which secures conformity to the will of him who calls, and is thus synonymous with the name Christians, or believers. That true Christians are contemplated by this address, is clear from the whole scope of the Epistle; see particularly Romans 8; compare Philippians 3:14; Hebrews 3:1.
1:6 Among whom - The nations brought to the obedience of faith. Are ye also - But St. Paul gives them no preeminence above others.