Psalms 84:4


King James Version (KJV)

Blessed are they that dwell in your house: they will be still praising you. Selah.

American King James Version (AKJV)

Blessed are they that dwell in your house: they will be still praising you. Selah.

American Standard Version (ASV)

Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: They will be still praising thee. Selah

Basic English Translation (BBE)

Happy are they whose resting-place is in your house: they will still be praising you. (Selah.)

Webster's Revision

Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. Selah.

World English Bible

Blessed are those who dwell in your house. They are always praising you. Selah.

English Revised Version (ERV)

Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. Selah

Definitions for Psalms 84:4

Blessed - Happy.

Clarke's Psalms 84:4 Bible Commentary

Blessed are they that dwell in thy house - They who have such a constant habitation in thy temple as the sparrow or the swallow has in the house wherein it has built its nest.

They will be still praising thee - They will find it good to draw nigh unto God, as he always pours out his Spirit on his sincere worshippers.

Barnes's Psalms 84:4 Bible Commentary

Blessed are they that dwell in thy house - Who are constantly there; whose permanent abode is there. The reference is to the priests and Levites - the ministers of religion - who had their permanent abode near the tabernacle and the temple, and who were wholly devoted to the sacred duties of religion. Their lot is here spoken of as a blessed, or as a happy lot, in contradistinction from those who had only the opportunity of occasionally going up to worship. Compare the notes at Psalm 65:4.

They will be still praising thee - They will do it constantly, as their daily employment. It will not be worship begun and ended, but worship continued - the regular business from day to day. Such will heaven be; and this will constitute its glory. There will be

(a) a permanent residence there: "Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out," Revelation 3:12; and

(b) there will be the constant service of God; such a service that it may be described as perpetual praise.

The Septuagint and the Latin Vulgate render this, "They will praise thee for ages of ages;" that is, forever.

Wesley's Psalms 84:4 Bible Commentary

84:4 They - That constantly abide in thy house; the priests and Levites, or other devout Jews who were there perpetually, as Anna, 2:36 - 37.They will - They are continually employed in that blessed work.