Psalms 80:9


King James Version (KJV)

You prepared room before it, and did cause it to take deep root, and it filled the land.

American King James Version (AKJV)

You prepared room before it, and did cause it to take deep root, and it filled the land.

American Standard Version (ASV)

Thou preparedst room before it, And it took deep root, and filled the land.

Basic English Translation (BBE)

You made ready a place for it, so that it might take deep root, and it sent out its branches over all the land.

Webster's Revision

Thou preparedst room before it, and didst cause it to take deep root, and it filled the land.

World English Bible

You cleared the ground for it. It took deep root, and filled the land.

English Revised Version (ERV)

Thou preparedst room before it, and it took deep root, and filled the land.

Clarke's Psalms 80:9 Bible Commentary

Thou preparedst - before it -

3. When the ground is properly cleared, then it is well digged and manured, and the vines are placed in the ground at proper distances, etc. So when God had cast out the heathen, he caused the land to be divided by lot to the different tribes, and then to the several families of which these tribes were composed.

And didst cause it to take deep root -

4. By sheltering, propping up, and loosening the ground about the tender plants, they are caused to take a deep and firm rooting in the ground. Thus did God, by especial manifestations of his kind providence, support and protect the Israelites in Canaan; and by various religious ordinances, and civil institutions, he established them in the land; and, by the ministry of priests and prophets, did every thing necessary to make them morally fruitful.

It filled the land -

5. To multiply vines, the gardener cuts off a shoot from the old tree, leaving a joint or knob both at top and bottom; then plants it in proper soil; the lower knob furnishes the roots, and the upper the shoot, which should be carefully trained as it grows, in order to form another vine. By these means one tree will soon form a complete vineyard, and multiply itself to any given quantity. Thus God so carefully, tenderly, and abundantly blessed the Israelites, that they increased and multiplied; and, in process of time, filled the whole land of Canaan. Vines are propagated, not only by cuttings, but by layers, seed, grafting, and inoculation.

Barnes's Psalms 80:9 Bible Commentary

Thou preparedst room before it - The Hebrew word used here means properly to turn; to turn the back; then, to turn in order to look at anything; to look upon; to see; then, in Piel, to cause to turn away; to remove. Then it comes to mean to remove, or to clear from impediments so as to prepare a way Isaiah 40:3; Isaiah 57:14; Isaiah 62:10; Malachi 3:1, and hence, to remove the impediments to planting a vine, etc.; to wit, by clearing away the trees, brush, stones, etc. Compare Isaiah 5:2. Here it means that the hindrances in planting the vine were taken out of the way; that is, God removed the pagan so that there was room then to establish his own people.

And didst cause it to take deep root - Hebrew, "And didst cause it to root roots;" that is, Its roots struck deep into the soil, and the plant became firm.

And it filled the land - Its branches ran everywhere, so as to fill the whole land. See the notes at Isaiah 16:8.

Wesley's Psalms 80:9 Bible Commentary

80:9 Preparedst - Thou didst root out the idolatrous nations.Deep root - Thou gavest them a firm settlement.