Psalms 119:39


King James Version (KJV)

Turn away my reproach which I fear: for your judgments are good.

American King James Version (AKJV)

Turn away my reproach which I fear: for your judgments are good.

American Standard Version (ASV)

Turn away my reproach whereof I am afraid; For thine ordinances are good.

Basic English Translation (BBE)

Take away the shame which is my fear; for your decisions are good.

Webster's Revision

Turn away my reproach which I fear: for thy judgments are good.

World English Bible

Take away my disgrace that I dread, for your ordinances are good.

English Revised Version (ERV)

Turn away my reproach whereof I am afraid; for thy judgments are good.

Definitions for Psalms 119:39

Reproach - Disgrace; shame.

Clarke's Psalms 119:39 Bible Commentary

Turn away my reproach, which I fear - This may be understood of the reproach which a man may meet with in consequence of living a godly life, for such a life was never fashionable in any time or country. But I have found the following note on the passage: "I have done a secret evil; my soul is sorry for it: if it become public, it will be a heavy reproach to me. O God, turn it away, and let it never meet the eye of man!" - Anon.

Barnes's Psalms 119:39 Bible Commentary

Turn away my reproach - The reproach which is likely to come upon me from being a professed worshipper of God. In all ages good men have been exposed to this reproach.

Which I fear - Which I have reason to apprehend will come upon me. This may not mean that he was personally afraid of it, but merely that he had reason to apprehend that he was exposed to it. The prayer is proper, for there is nothing which our nature makes us shrink back from more than reproach. Compare Psalm 119:22; Psalm 69:9, Psalm 69:20; Romans 15:3; 2 Corinthians 12:10. The word repreach in the original is the same which denotes shame or dishonor.

For thy judgments are good - Thy statutes; thy laws. I know they are good. I feel that I desire to obey them. I pray, therefore, that obedience on my part to that which is good may not subject me to shame; that people may see that thy laws are good, and that it is not a matter of reproach to obey them.

Wesley's Psalms 119:39 Bible Commentary

119:39 I fear - For my instability in thy ways; which in respect to my own weakness, I have great cause to fear.