The crown of the wise is their riches: but the foolishness of fools is folly.
The crown of the wise is their riches: but the foolishness of fools is folly.
The crown of the wise is their riches; But the folly of fools is only folly.
Their wisdom is a crown to the wise, but their foolish behaviour is round the head of the unwise.
The crown of the wise is their riches: but the foolishness of fools is folly.
The crown of the wise is their riches, but the folly of fools crowns them with folly.
The crown of the wise is their riches: but the folly of fools is only folly.
But the foolishness of fools is folly - The Targum reads, The honor of fools is folly. The fool, from his foolishness, produces acts of folly. This appears to be the meaning.
"The crown," i. e., the glory of the wise man constitutes his wealth. He alone is truly rich even as he alone (compare Proverbs 14:18 note) is truly king.
The seeming tautology of the second clause is really its point. Turn "the foolishness of fools" as you will, it comes back to "foolishness" at last.
14:24 Riches - They are a singular advantage and ornament to them.But - As for rich fools, their folly is not cured, but made worse and more manifest by their riches.