I thank my God, making mention of you always in my prayers,
I thank my God, making mention of you always in my prayers,
I thank my God always, making mention of thee in my prayers,
I give praise to God at all times and make prayer for you,
I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers,
I thank my God always, making mention of you in my prayers,
I thank my God always, making mention of thee in my prayers,
I thank my God - For all the good he has bestowed upon you, making mention of thee always in my prayers, that thou mayest hold fast all that thou hast got, and get all that thou dost farther need.
I thank my God - That is, for what I hear of you.
Making mention of thee always in my prayers - See a similar declaration respecting the church at Ephesus, Ephesians 1:16. It would appear from this that Paul, in his private devotions, was in the habit of mentioning churches and individuals by name. It would seem, also, that though he was a prisoner, yet he somehow found opportunity for secret devotion. And it would appear further, that, though encompassed with many cares and sorrows, and about to be put on trial for his life, he did not forget to remember a Christian brother though far distant from him, and to bear him on his heart before the throne of grace. To remember with affectionate concern these churches and individuals, as he did, Paul must have been a man of much prayer.