Philemon 1:2


King James Version (KJV)

And to our beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellow soldier, and to the church in your house:

American King James Version (AKJV)

And to our beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellow soldier, and to the church in your house:

American Standard Version (ASV)

and to Apphia our sister, and to Archippus our fellow-soldier, and to the church in thy house:

Basic English Translation (BBE)

And to Apphia, our sister, and to Archippus, our brother in God's army, and to the church in your house:

Webster's Revision

And to our beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellow-soldier, and to the church in thy house:

World English Bible

to the beloved Apphia, to Archippus, our fellow soldier, and to the assembly in your house:

English Revised Version (ERV)

and to Apphia our sister, and to Archippus our fellow-soldier, and to the church in thy house:

Definitions for Philemon 1:2

Church - Assembly of "called out" ones.

Clarke's Philemon 1:2 Bible Commentary

Apphia. Απφια. Under the word Απφα Suidas says: Αδελφης και αδελφου ὑπακορισμα· Appha is the affectionate address of a brother or sister; or the diminutive of a brother and sister, used to express kindness and affection. Hence the apostle, referring to the meaning of the word, says: Και Απφιᾳ τῃ αδελφῃ αγαπητῃ· And to Apphia the beloved sister. Though αδελφῃ, sister, be not in our common text, it is found in AD*EFG, several others, the Itala, Vulgate, Slavonic, etc.; and is undoubtedly genuine.

Archippus, Αρχιππος. The ruler or master of the horse; from αρχων, a chief, and ἱππος, a horse. Heroes of old were, both among the Greeks and Trojans, celebrated for their skill in managing and taming the horse, and employing him in war; this frequently occurs in Homer. The import of the name of Archippus might suggest this idea to the apostle's mind, and lead him to say: Archippus our Fellow Soldier.

Suidas mentions a person of this name, who was once victor at the games, in the ninety-first Olympiad.

There was one of the pupils of Pythagoras of this name; and I introduce him here for the sake of a quotation from St. Jerome, (Apol. adv. Ruffin.), relative to the doctrines taught by him and his fellow disciple, Lysis: Φευκτεον πανταπασι και εκκοπτεον ασθενειαν μεν του σωματος, απαιδευσιαν δε της ψυχης, ακολασιαν δε της γαστρος, στασιν δε της πολεως, την δε διαφωνιαν απο της οικιας, και κοινῃ απο παντων το ακρατες· "By all means and methods these evils are to be shunned and cut off: effeminacy from the body; Ignorance from the soul; delicacies from the belly; sedition from the city; discord from the house; and, in general, intemperance from all things." Vid. Fab. Thes. Erud. Schol.

Onesimus, Ονησιμος. Useful or profitable; from ονημι, to help. The import of this name led the apostle to play upon the word thus: I beseech thee for any son Onesimus - which in time past was to thee Unprofitable, but now Profitable to thee and me.

To the Church in thy house - The congregation of Christians frequently assembling in Philemon's house; for at this time the Christians had neither temples, churches, nor chapels. See the note on Romans 16:5, and the reference there.

It is very probable that Apphia was the wife of Philemon, and Archippus, their son, the pastor of the Church at Philemon's house.

Barnes's Philemon 1:2 Bible Commentary

And to our beloved Apphia - This was a female (Greek ἀγαπητῇ agapētē), and was probably the wife of Philemon.

And Archippus our fellow-soldier - See the notes at Colossians 4:17. It has been supposed that he was a son of Philemon, and this would appear not to be improbable, as he was one of his family. On the term "fellow-soldier," see the notes at Philippians 2:25. It is applied here to one who was a minister of the gospel, and who is spoken of in con nection with Paul as enlisted under the banners of the Captain of salvation, and waging a warfare with the wickedness of the world; compare the notes at 2 Timothy 2:3-4. That Archippus was a minister of the gospel, is clear from Colossians 4:17.

And to the church in thy house - Either the church that commonly met in his house, or more probably that was composed of his own family; compare the notes at Romans 16:5.

Wesley's Philemon 1:2 Bible Commentary

1:2 To Apphia - His wife, to whom also the business in part belonged. And the church in thy house - The Christians who meet there.