Micah 4:6


King James Version (KJV)

In that day, said the LORD, will I assemble her that halts, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted;

American King James Version (AKJV)

In that day, said the LORD, will I assemble her that halts, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted;

American Standard Version (ASV)

In that day, saith Jehovah, will I assemble that which is lame, and I will gather that which is driven away, and that which I have afflicted;

Basic English Translation (BBE)

In that day, says the Lord, I will get together her who goes with uncertain steps, I will get together her who has been sent away, and her on whom I have sent evil;

Webster's Revision

In that day, saith the LORD, I will assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted;

World English Bible

"In that day," says Yahweh, "I will assemble that which is lame, and I will gather that which is driven away, and that which I have afflicted;

English Revised Version (ERV)

In that day, saith the LORD, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven away, and her that I have afflicted;

Clarke's Micah 4:6 Bible Commentary

Will I assemble her that halteth - driven out - afflicted - Under these epithets, the state of the Jews, who were to be gathered into the Christian Church, is pointed out. They halted between the true God and idols; they were driven out into captivity, because of this idolatry; and they were variously afflicted, because they would not return unto the Lord that bought them.

Barnes's Micah 4:6 Bible Commentary

In that day - that is, in that day of Christ and of His Gospel, of grace and salvation, the last days of which he had been speaking. Hitherto he had prophesied the glory of Zion, chiefly through the coming-in of the Gentiles. Now he adds, how the Jews should, with them, be gathered by grace into the one fold, in that long last day of the Gospel, at the beginning, in the course of it, and completely at the end Romans 11:26.

Her that halteth - The prophet resumes the image of the scattered flock, under which he had before Micah 2:12-13 foretold their restoration. This was no hope of his own, but His word who cannot fail. The course of events, upon which he is entering, would be, at times, for their greatness and their difficulty, past human belief. So he adds straightway, at the outset, "saith the Lord." To "halt" is used of bodily lameness Genesis 32:32, and that, of a flock, worn out by its wanderings Zephaniah 3:19. It is used also of moral halting Psalm 35:15; Psalm 38:18, such as had been a chief sin of Israel, serving partly God, partly Baal ; God, with a service of fear, Baal with a service of that counterfeit of love, sensuality. So it was sick, both in body and soul, and driven out also, and afflicted.

Wesley's Micah 4:6 Bible Commentary

4:6 That halteth - The Jews weakened with the hard usage of oppressing conquerors. Her - Captive Judah; driven out, of their own land. And Christ will much more gather to his fold those who were captives to Satan.