Matthew 5:34


King James Version (KJV)

But I say to you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:

American King James Version (AKJV)

But I say to you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:

American Standard Version (ASV)

but I say unto you, swear not at all; neither by the heaven, for it is the throne of God;

Basic English Translation (BBE)

But I say to you, Take no oaths at all: not by the heaven, because it is the seat of God;

Webster's Revision

But I say to you, Swear not at all: neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:

World English Bible

but I tell you, don't swear at all: neither by heaven, for it is the throne of God;

English Revised Version (ERV)

but I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by the heaven, for it is the throne of God;

Clarke's Matthew 5:34 Bible Commentary

Neither by heaven, etc. - It was a custom among the Scythians, when they wished to bind themselves in the most solemn manner, to swear by the king's throne; and if the king was at any time sick, they believed it was occasioned by some one's having taken the oath falsely. Herod. l. iv.

Who is there among the traders and people of this world who obey this law? A common swearer is constantly perjuring himself: such a person should never be trusted. When we make any promise contrary to the command of God, taking, as a pledge of our sincerity, either God, or something belonging to him, we engage that which is not ours, without the Master's consent. God manifests his glory in heaven, as upon his throne; he imprints the footsteps of his perfections upon the earth, his footstool; and shows that his holiness and his grace reign in his temple as the place of his residence. Let it be our constant care to seek and honor God in all his works.

Barnes's Matthew 5:34 Bible Commentary

But I say unto you, Swear not at all - That is, in the manner which he proceeds to specify. Swear not in any of the common and profane ways customary at that time.

By heaven; for it is God's throne - To swear by that was, if it meant anything, to swear by Him that sitteth thereon, Matthew 23:22.

Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool - Swearing by that, therefore, is really swearing by God. Or perhaps it means:

1. that we have no right to pledge, or swear by, what belongs to God; and,

2. that oaths by inanimate objects are unmeaningful and wicked.

If they are real oaths, they are by a living Being, who has power to take vengeance. A footstool is that on which the feet rest when sitting. The term is applied to the earth to denote how lowly and humble an object it is when compared with God.

Jerusalem - See the notes at Matthew 2:1.

City of the Great King - That is, of God; called the Great King because he was the King of the Israelites, and Jerusalem was the capital of the nation, and the place where he was especially honored as king. Compare Psalm 46:4; Psalm 48:1-2; Psalm 87:3.