Whether it be in the warp, or woof; of linen, or of woolen; whether in a skin, or in any thing made of skin;
Whether it be in the warp, or woof; of linen, or of woolen; whether in a skin, or in any thing made of skin;
whether it be in warp, or woof; of linen, or of woollen; whether in a skin, or in anything made of skin;
If it is in the threads of the linen or of the wool, or in leather, or in anything made of skin;
Whether in the warp, or woof, of linen, or of woolen: whether in a skin, or in any thing made of skin:
whether it is in warp, or woof; of linen, or of wool; whether in a skin, or in anything made of skin;
whether it be in warp, or woof; of linen, or of woollen; whether in a skin, or in any thing made of skin;
Rather, "And the clothing in which there is a stroke of leprosy, whether the stroke is in clothing of wool or in clothing of linen; or in yarn for warp or in yarn for woof, either for linen clothing or for woolen clothing; or in a skin of leather or in any article made of leather."
13:48 In the warp or woof - A learned man renders it in the outside, or in the inside of it. If the signification of these words be doubtful now, as some of those of the living creatures and precious stones are confessed to be, it is not material to us, this law being abolished; it sufficeth that the Jews understood these things by frequent experience.