Joshua 23:2


King James Version (KJV)

And Joshua called for all Israel, and for their elders, and for their heads, and for their judges, and for their officers, and said to them, I am old and stricken in age:

American King James Version (AKJV)

And Joshua called for all Israel, and for their elders, and for their heads, and for their judges, and for their officers, and said to them, I am old and stricken in age:

American Standard Version (ASV)

that Joshua called for all Israel, for their elders and for their heads, and for their judges and for their officers, and said unto them, I am old and well stricken in years:

Basic English Translation (BBE)

Joshua sent for all Israel, for their responsible men and their chiefs and their judges and their overseers, and said to them, I am old, and full of years:

Webster's Revision

And Joshua called for all Israel, and for their elders, and for their heads, and for their judges, and for their officers, and said to them, I am old and advanced in age:

World English Bible

that Joshua called for all Israel, for their elders and for their heads, and for their judges and for their officers, and said to them, "I am old and well advanced in years.

English Revised Version (ERV)

that Joshua called for all Israel, for their elders and for their heads, and for their judges and for their officers, and said unto them, I am old and well stricken in years:

Clarke's Joshua 23:2 Bible Commentary

Joshua called for all Israel - There are four degrees of civil distinction mentioned here:

1. זקנים zekenim, the elders or senate, the Princes of the tribes.

2. ראשים rashim or rashey aboth, the Chiefs or Heads of families.

3. שפטים shophetim, the Judges who interpreted and decided according to the law.

4. שטרים shoterim, the Officers, serjeants, etc., who executed the decisions of the judges.

Whether this assembly was held at Timnath-serah, where Joshua 54ed, or at Shiloh, where the ark was, or at Shechem, as in Joshua 24:1, we cannot tell. Some think that the meaning here, and that mentioned in Joshua 24:1, were the same, and if so, Shechem was the place of assembling; but it is more likely that the two chapters treat of two distinct assemblies, whether held at the same place or not.

Barnes's Joshua 23:2 Bible Commentary

All Israel, and for their elders - Omit "and," which is not in the Hebrew. The meaning is that Joshua summoned to him all Israel as represented by its elders, etc. Deuteronomy 1:15. This gathering probably took place at the tabernacle at Shiloh.

Wesley's Joshua 23:2 Bible Commentary

23:2 Joshua called - Either to his own city, or rather to Shiloh, the usual place of such assemblies, where his words being uttered before the Lord, were likely to have the more effect upon them. All Israel - Not all the people in their own persons, but in their representatives, by their elders, heads, judges and officers.Probably he took the opportunity, of one of the three great feasts.You will not have me long to preach to you; therefore observe what I say, and lay it up for the time to come.